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Amidst passion's grasp, pray do not misconstrue,
For love I speak not of men, nor their hearts so true.
The world must crumble, and heavens collide,
Ere my love for a man shall ever reside.

But love, oh love, in nature's grand ballet,
When blossoms unfurl, in splendid array,
Yet I cherish more the fleeting bloom's descent,
A poignant reminder of life's fragility, Godsent.

For delicate petals, in their transient grace,
Mirror the brevity of life's fleeting embrace.
In withering beauty, they whisper a plea,
To savor each moment, for soon it shall flee.

So when I speak of love, it is not confined,
To mortal affections or passions enshrined.
But the symphony of nature, ephemeral and rare,
Reminds me of life's fragility, a truth to bear.

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