Empty Threats (I)

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"And here you come,

With a shield for a heart,

And a sword for a tongue."

Alexandria's POV:

Gabriel seemed to have decided that a magic seal was not enough to contain me. In fact, he appeared to be completely terrified of me somehow harnessing my powers.

As he should be.

The last time I'd gone up against him, he'd ended up with his neck underneath my boot.

The coward stood to the side and watched while one of his men secured a new set of silver manacles around my wrists. Almost instantly, I could feel the strain, the metal burning into my skin and my strength slipping. To the side, Victoria shouted and snarled as they held her away from me. Gabriel smiled at the scene.

I hadn't put up much of a fight. There wasn't exactly much use, seeing as to how we were trapped either way. We didn't have much of a choice in anything, if Gabriel wanted me bound, I would be bound. I had no magic to rally and nothing up my sleeve. Not to mention, they had Victoria to keep me in line. They wouldn't kill me, but she was nothing to them. Just another wolf to be sacrificed.

When the guard retreated after finishing with my wrists, I pulled back and tested the new weight. The longer they stayed on, the more of my energy they would take. That was the rule with silver.

But until then...

"If you're so afraid that you can't even trust in the strength of your own seals," I began, my gaze lifting to meet Gabriel's, a pitying and ever so patronizing smile touching my lips. "You can just say that. I might just play nice."

The Fae's grin merely widened. "I am a man of honesty, Princess. You know this. Of course I can confess that your strength is a threat. It would've been nice to be rid of you before your shift, but I suppose you're more useful to me this way." He stared down at me almost appreciatively, his eyes brimming with a thousand schemes.

"Bring her," he said to the guards at his side. "The two of us have much to discuss."

I hated this concrete room. And I would give anything to leave it. But I'd rather be trapped within these four walls than go anywhere with Gabriel.

Victoria seemed to carry the same sentiments as she growled her disapproval. "You Faerie scum," she spat, still thrashing. "Get your filthy hands off me!"

Gabriel threw a flat look in her direction, as if suddenly remembering she was there. "And gag the rabid dog."

"You little shit," the she-wolf went on with not a care in the world. I envied her stubborn determination in this moment, even if she was well aware it would get her nothing.

The Fae general's expression remained unimpressed and his lips curled ever so slightly in obvious disgust. His hate for wolves ran deeper than I ever imagined. "Do feel free to leave a few bruises. Stab her if you must, I don't really care," he added, waving a dismissive hand.

A fresh wave of anxiety struck me at his words. I'd already known Victoria was expendable to them, but hearing Gabriel mutter his indifference struck an entirely new chord. 

My arms shifted again as I grew more and more accustomed to the chains. There would be no escaping, but I might as well remind Gabriel who exactly he was dealing with. And shift his attention to the one person he wouldn't kill.

I kicked my leg forward, hooking my foot around the ankle of one of the guards he'd sent to drag me away. The Fae yelped in surprise and all focus returned to me, to their main captive. Good.

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