Unconcealed Ardor

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"We were drowning,

sinking in this sea of sorrow,

and our love was the only star that lit the ocean floor,

whilst leaving it covered in the promises that also set our souls ablaze."

Shifting my head to the side for the tenth time, Livius grunted at my actions, "Stop it, Alexandria," he warned.

I pouted whilst staring up at him, my head resting on his lap as I attempted to relax, "I sparred with Damien today Livius, and now my body feels like jelly, have pity on me."

He simply blinked down at me, "we both know that's not true," my mate murmured, bringing his hand up to teasingly flick my forehead, my eyes instinctively slipping shut as I flinched at the prospective contact, "you have a higher pain tolerance than that."

"Why thank you, my king," I beamed, before going back to whining as I pulled the blanket closer to my body, "but it's still unfair that I have to train one of your wolves for you."

"Now you have something to do throughout the day."

I blinked, "Is that the only reason you agreed?"

He briefly thought on the question before shrugging, and smirking down at me, "probably."

"I hate you," I groaned, reaching for one of the decorative pillows on the couch, and attempting to hit him with it.

He simply chuckled as my arm fell short, "Now, my queen, don't say such cruel things," he murmured jokingly, before returning his attention to the tv before us, not waiting for me to respond.

I simply let out a small yawn, my eyes slowly closing, "Don't you have to head down for dinner?"

"Yes, eventually."

"Why do you always go down so early?" I questioned.

"If I go down late everyone stops their dinner and stands up out of respect," he explained, "I decided to just start heading down early to avoid... all that."

I giggled at his discomfort, "Baby, you're king, you should be used to it," I teased.

He simply rolled his eyes at my words before allowing his face to pull into a serious expression, "You're not getting out of it this time, ma reine, you're coming with me."

"But I'm tired," I cried.

"You'll be sitting down," he pointed out whilst shooting me an incredulous look.

"The walk there is too long."

"I'll carry you."

"My head hurts."

"Take an Advil."


My sentence caught in my throat as he gave me a pointed look, eyes filled with determination, and I huffed, crossing my arms as I sat up, "Fine," I sighed, "But you might end up being a little late."

"I don't mind," he shrugged, laying a gentle kiss on my forehead as happiness sparked in his eyes, my heart melting at the small action.


"Alexandria," Livius said warningly for about the tenth time.

"If I remember correctly, you said you didn't mind if we were a little late," I told him, staring at him through the mirror.

"Yeah, I said that thirty minutes ago," he retorted, briefly looking down at his watch.

Brushing my now wavy hair to the side, I debated over leaving it to flow freely down my back, or to return it to the braid it was formerly in.

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