(Not) Thinking Rationally

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"If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime,

He couldn't love you as much as I do,

in a single day."

With my heart beating erratically in my chest, I pretended to look through the elegant handbags on each shelf, my heels clicking against the polished marble floor with each step I took.

Fine, I'll admit that I may have chickened out. At first I was just waiting to get this entire ordeal over with, however once I stepped into the store, I suddenly felt increasingly intimidated.

According to the cashier, Zac's shift had yet to begin, so I was technically waiting for him. In the ten minutes that I spent in here, I had already managed to buy an elegant black handbag that I immediately realized I couldn't live without, and two black tuxedo jackets for my mate. I had suddenly become aware that Livius had gained absolutely nothing from this endeavor, so I figured I could surprise him.

Clutching the black shopping bag in one hand, I continued to distractedly look through the store   until a voice behind me caused me to stiffen.

"So how long are you just going to stand there and act like you're actually doing something?"

"I am doing something," I retorted, gesturing towards the bag I was carrying.

"Alexa, you know I just wanted to talk, right? Nothing more. You don't have to be this cold," he stated, and I turned to look at him, choosing to finally meet his gaze.

He looked just as he did a few years ago. Tousled brown hair, warm hazel eyes, athletic build, and the unfaltering smirk that was always plastered on his face.

"Why'd you text me?" I inquired instead, going straight to the point.

Zac stared down at me, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his hair messy as he ran a hand through it, before scratching the back of his neck, "Listen, babe, I-"

"Don't call me that," I muttered, cutting him off, and he pressed his lips into a thin line.

"I didn't expect to ever see you again Alexandria, and when I realized you were so close to me, I found myself texting you without even thinking it through," he admitted, looking away from me.

"You still didn't answer my question," I said instead, shifting my weight, as I crossed my arms in front of me.

"I know you have yet to trust me again, but I want to take my chances," he slowly began.

I groaned, "Listen, Zac, I hate to make you rush whatever it is you're trying to say, but I have to leave soon. Someone is waiting on me."

I watched as he inhaled deeply, before meeting my gaze again, his eyes pleading,"I want to apologize," he spoke, and I cocked my head, waiting for him to continue.

"I made your last year of high school a living hell for absolutely no reason. I caused you so much pain and heartbreak, and I've never really thought about how much it may have affected you until now. To be honest, I don't even know what possessed me into cheating on you in the first place. But once I found out you were nearby, I couldn't get my mind off what happened. I just started drowning in guilt," he confessed, eyes softening as he took me in once again.

I hesitated a moment, eyes searching his own, "I'm over it, Zac," I shrugged.

I really wasn't, but no big deal.

His reckless and uncaring decisions caused me so much negative emotions, even my mother was affected. Breaking up with someone in general is okay, cheating on them before breaking up however, was another story entirely.

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