Chapter- 15 Are you ok?

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"It's ok, my friends won't be uncomfortable. In fact, they asked me to invite you for dinner," she answered his unasked question and he nodded.

"Come in", she said, and they both entered her house.

"This is Pooja, you already know, and that's Payal. Payal, he is Arnav," she introduced them.

"Hi", Payal greeted.

"Hello, nice to meet you", he greeted back awkwardly.

He always works. His whole life revolves around his company so, he never met many people personally... professionally yes, he did meet people, but it's all about work. He is ok with official meetings, but when it comes to friends, he only has Avinash and Ajay with him.
Thanks to his brother for unlocking his trust issues, as he doesn't trust people that easily because of his brother, so making friends is another topic for him.

"Sit down, Arnav. Let's eat", Pooja commented, pointing at the chair.

Compared to the dining table in his house, it's very small with a small table and four chairs.

Pooja and Payal sat one side and Arnav and Naina sat one side of the table.

"We prepared biryani today, come on have it", Pooja commented, serving him biryani.

"Is there any special occasion today?", he asked.

"We don't need special occasions to cook biryani", Naina said while serving herself.
"I mean, we cook when we feel like eating, so today we craved biryani. I know we can order but cooking together makes us happy, so we often cook together at home. And it's fun", Naina added.

They all served and started eating while cracking jokes and pulling each other's legs. Arnav felt awkward in the start but they made him comfortable with their friendly nature, and that's how he became one of them.

"Slowdown, it's hot", Payal commented when Naina opened the lid of the chicken curry.

"Wait, I will serve you or else you may hurt yourself", Pooja remarked and took the spoon from Naina's hand.

"You know, Arnav... she is very clumsy and often hurts herself with her clumsiness", Payal commented, jokingly.

"Yeah, and she can't even eat without spilling on herself ", Pooja added.

"Stop it, girls. I am not that clumsy", Naina exclaimed embarrassingly.

"Oh, really? Then dare to explain about the bruise on your forearm", Pooja asked pointing at the red mark on Naina's forearm. That's when Arnav discovered her bruise.

Naina smiled sheepishly as she said "I forgot how I got that".

"That's what we said", Payal laughed.

"Are you ok", Arnav asked with concern.

"Yeah, I am ok. It was just a small...", Naina started.

"Yeah, it is very small compared to the wounds and bruises she gets daily", Payal completed for her and they all laughed.

"Umm, the cake is delicious", Naina moaned.
"Try this", she said, putting a spoonful of cake in front of Arnav's mouth.

For Arnav it was the first time someone tried to feed him after many years. He looked at her and the spoonful of cake in hand in a daze not knowing how to react.

"Come on, have it, hero" he ate the cake when she urged him to eat.

"Yeah, this is good", he commented.

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