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Author's POV

After another year

Arnav was in a meeting discussing work when his phone rang disturbing the meeting.

"Excuse me," he mumbled and picked up the call as it's his wife who was calling.

He walked aside as he said, "Butterfly."

"Arnav," she uttered with a shaky voice, panic can be heard in her voice.

"Baby, what happened? Are you ok?" he asked immediately.

"Arnav, there is someone in our house," she replied.

"Who?" he asked tensely, taking his coat from the chair.

"I don't know."

"I am coming. You don't worry," he stated as he walked out of the meeting room.

He drove to their house crossing all the signals. He reached within 20 minutes and rushed into the house.

"Butterfly," he called loudly and hurried to the bedroom when he didn't hear any reply from her.

She was there sitting on the bed when he came.

"What happened, butterfly? Are you ok?" he asked as he rushed to her and looked up and down inspecting her from head to toe.

"Thank god," he mumbled after confirming she was safe and hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

"Where is he?" he asked, leaving her from his hold.

"Here," she mumbled and took his hand and put it on her stomach.

He looked confused for a second as he didn't understand anything.

"Really?" he asked once his bulb glowed and she nodded.

"I took a test this morning," she replied.

"Thank you so much, butterfly," he exclaimed as he hugged her.

"Hmm," she hummed, hugging him desperately.

"Aren't you happy, baby?" he asked as she was just looking blankly.
"You don't want this?" he asked even though he knew how much she wanted this.

"I am scared, Arnav," she remarked as she blinked her tears.

"I am afraid that I can't make a good mother like my mom. Can I take care of the baby? Can I give her the love she deserves? I don't know... I am happy but I am scared too, I am excited to be a mother but I am afraid too. I don't know what I am feeling, Arnav," she said and more tears slipped down her eyes.

Arnav wiped her tears controlling his. He understood what she was feeling as he was also feeling the same, the same confusion running through his mind too. He is also happy that he is going to be a father soon but he is scared too that will he be able to make a good father? He was excited as It's his first child but he is also afraid of his wife's health and worried about the pain and changes she has to go through to have this baby.

"It's ok, butterfly, don't worry," he said as he hugged her and she quickly wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly to calm her scared heart.

"We can learn, right? We have our moms to guide us and our friends to support us and of course our dads to make us understand things," he said, caressing her hair to sooth her.

"Then can I be a good mother to our baby?" she asked, looking at him.

Confusion, happiness, fear, excitement... Every emotion can seen on her face just like his. Her eyes hold the tears of happiness, her body is shaking in fear, her voice is filled with excitement and confusion is written on her face.

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