Chapter- 22 His sister..!!

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Authors POV

It was 4 am when he woke up from his sleep. He opened his eyes and saw Naina who is holding him securely while resting her head on the headrest. He took her hand away slowly and sat up, not disturbing her sleep.

He took a second to appreciate her beauty. Her bright eyes closed and her hair swaying on her face. He tucked her hair beside her ear and her face glowing like a star under the dim light.

He slowly stood up and picked her up in bridal style. He kicked her bedroom door  open, and he carried her inside. Then he gently placed her on the bed and covered her with the duvet.

He looked around her room which is little messy. He closed her laptop, which was on the bed, and put it on the table. There is a bookshelf left to the study table. She arranged her books neatly and decorated with small handcrafts, then there is a TBR list stuck to the wall which has morethan 100 book names. He quickly took a photo of her TBR list.

she stuck many pictures of her and her friends on the wall. Her room is arranged classy but just that she doesn't maintain it properly. 

He dragged a chair near her bed and sat on it. She looked peaceful in her sleep. Maybe it's the only time she keeps her mouth shut, he thought and smiled, looking at her. He sat there looking at her for like half an hour before deciding to leave.

He took a sticky note and wrote "Thank you for everything, Butterfly" and stuck it on her mirror. Then he kissed her forehead fondly before stomping out of her room and her house.

He received a message from Peter last night saying the girl who was fighting for her life is now out of danger and the remaining people are also doing ok.

Now, his anxious heart calmed down after meeting Naina and he can think straight. He went to his penthouse and worked out for an hour as usual and took a shower, got ready and went directly to the office.

It was only 7 am when he reached his office. Only a few cleaning staff arrived, they greeted him and asked if he needed anything but he nodded negatively and reached his office.

"Peter, can you come to the office early today?", he called Peter and asked him to come.

"I am already on my way, sir. I will be there in 10 minutes", he replied.

He then called Ajay and asked the same. Even though he cursed Arnav for calling him this early, he agreed to come in an hour.

As informed, Peter reached office in ten minutes and knocked on Arnav's office door with a coffee in his hand.

"Sir, your coffee", he said and placed coffee on the table.

"Thank you, Peter", he replied. He likes Peter working nature so much. Peter handles all the office affairs and his personal affairs rationally and he knows how to respond to everyone.

"Arrange meeting with the client. I will explain to him about the accident and will discuss further", Arnav said while Peter was taking notes.

"You go and collect all the nearby CCTV footage to find any clues regarding the accident and ask the IT team to try to restore our CCTV footage", he added.

"Ajay will visit the hospital and the people who are injured and he will take care of legal actions of the accident. And also, about the new project...", Arnav said action points to Peter and he noted down everything.

"Sir, can I check Dev sir's location when the accident happened and his call logs", Peter asked.

"Yeah, but let's not decide the culprits by ourselves", he commented and dismissed Peter.

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