Chapter 8

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  Once we pull up to the restaurant I see Felix's truck. Meaning that they are already here. We walk inside to a nice restaurant. The place was dim and there weren't a lot of windows. The only thing keeping the place lit were dimly lighted fake candles. We get to the front desk and see a lady in a suit and tie, her hair is slicked into a low pony tail. 

  "How may I help you?" She asks. "We are here with my husband. They should already be here," Sharon says. "Right this way ma'am," the lady says and we all fallow. We get to the table and we sit down. I end up being seated with Becky on my right and Sharon on my left. Becky is next to Addison and Addison with John. 

  I decide that today would not be a good time to bring everything up. "So how was shopping lady's?" Felix asks, holding his wife's hand. "Good, we found the perfect dress and amazing bridesmaid dresses."  "Wonderful," Felix reply's. Eventually we order and start to eat. First comes the appetizer, then the salad, then the soup, then the main meal. Unlike everyone else, I just got a salad and some chicken. Not being hungry and not used to this kind of food.

  "Have you two planned a date yet?" Becky asks with steak in her mouth. "We're thinking in October. We've already been engaged for a year and six months," Addison answers. Of course they didn't tell me. Why would they? "Now John, will you move to L.A. with the rest of your family?" Becky asks again. "We're not quite sure yet," John answers. 

  "And what about you Mace? When will you be shipped out again?" I really REALLY hate this woman. "I don't think I'm going back," I tell her. "Why not? I thought you loved it there? The fact that your not with your family. I mean you must not have really loved them if you left them for 10 year? They took you in and helped you. It just doesn't make sense," She says. "That's not true," Is all I say. I did love them, it was just. Complicated to say the least. 

  "Well it does feel that way," she adds. "Umm hows the food tasting everyone?" Felix says, trying to change the subject. "I think I'm ready for dessert," Monica adds. I just sit there for the rest of the time being, not saying a word. Becky kept making hints to me about being a killer, or a person that hates their family. 

  Once we are done with lunch we head over to the nail salon. Everyone is talking and caring on about their life. "I'm heading home," I tell everyone. "Oh come on! It'll be fun," Monica whines. "Next time," I say. I turn around and make my way to the nearby Wawa, that way I can change and run home. 

  Once I change I put the dress into the bag I had brought with me and make my way home. It's about a 10 mile run so I start the hike. After about an hour I'm home and drenched in sweat. I go up stairs and take a shower, as cold as it will go. 

  Once I'm done I head down stairs and go to the fridge to gab a beer. Hoping that it will calm me. But as soon as that thought came in my head I put it back and threw out the pack of cigarets. Not wanting to be the typical after war soldier that becomes a drunk and dishonors their country.

  Instead I grab a water bottle and chug it. I go into Addisons room so I could use her computer. Once I get in I log into the computer and open up a new tab. I look up General Hassan. A picture of him comes up. He's wearing his green uniform and has multiple medals on his chest. His dark brown hair is neatly slicked back and his almost black eyes stair into me. I find a page on hime so I can get more information. 

  As I click on it it tells me that it's not available. "Great," I whisper underneath my breath. After about 10 minutes I'm able to get into the website. I scroll down and it only says that he is the president of Pakistans right hand man. Meaning that he is in charge of the president and that he controls the military. But other then that I have no new information. As I keep on looking I hear the door open. I quickly log out of the computer and erase the browser history along with all the tabs. Making it just the way it was when I found it. I close the laptop and leave the room.

  As I get to the open stairway I see everyone flood in. I go to my room and take a shower. My back is still drenched in sweat. Once I get out I go to my dresser and pick out my training cargo pants that I would always wear. They're green cammo with amazing pockets. Before I can get a shirt on my door opens. I quickly look to see Monica. "Oh my gosh," she whispers. I look to where her eyes are directed. Their gaze is at the claw marks and the other scars I have on my abdomen. 

  "What happened?" She asks, walking to me. She goes to touch the claw marks but I quickly pull away and cover it up with a shirt. "It's nothing," I cut her off. "That's not nothing," she protests. Then Sharon comes into my room. "How did you get home?" Asks Sharon. "Ran." "Well we'll be having some people over later. So I want you to look nice," Sharon tells me. "Will do," then she leaves. "Your not going to tell mom?" Monica asks. "No, and neither will you. It's fine and heeled," I tell her. "Ok now go get ready for the party," I tell her. Practically pushing her out of my room. "Oh and if you say a word I'll eat all your pop tarts," I tell her. Then she leaves. Once she's gone I close my door and let out a sigh. And now there's going to be a bunch of people. Lovely.

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