Chapter 31

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Back at home Addison's prov
  I end up waking up in John's arms. I roll around to face him, he's still sleeping. His mouth is gaped open, he looks so peaceful. I can't believe that this is the man that I'm gonna marry. He has changed me, he's made me a better person.
  I slowly and carefully roll out of bed, trying not to wake John's resting figure. I grab my bathrobe so I can cover my naked body. I wrap the soft, clean, white robe around me. I quietly make my way downstairs. As I make my way, I pass Mace's room. I look at my phone, it's about 8:29. I slowly creek open the door.
  I peak my head inside and see that the bed is unmade and she's missing from it. I open it completely and go to make the bed. "Oh Mace, you never were good at making your bed," I talk to myself.
  Once I make her bed I head downstairs to grab some coffee. As I go into the kitchen, I can't help but think about how crazy last night was. With the murder of the Stancy's, not to mention how weird Mace was acting once she got that call.
  I push my thought's aside and start to make the coffee. I walk over to the cabinet to grab a mug. I grab my favorite mug. A white one with fall leaves all over it saying: love. As I walk back to the coffee pot, I realize that there's a note on the island. "What's this?" I ask myself. I put down the mug and pick up the note to read it.
"Hello family. Last night will be the last time you have ever seen me. I have been called back into the military. It's not with General Logan. Go to Dr.Miller at 12:30, she will tell you everything that you need to know. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you like this. Addison and John, I wish you two the best of luck. Last thing, bring Tiffany with you to Dr.Miller. Thanks for being my family,
Mace Denver." I read aloud.
  I can feel tears start to weld in my eyes. "Oh my gosh," I gasp, covering my mouth with my hand. I need to go wake everyone up. I sprint upstairs as quickly as I can. Once I'm up stairs I start yelling, "Wake up! Everybody wake up now!" I can feel the tears start to rush down my face. I'm gripping onto the note so hard that my knuckles are white.
  "Wake up!" I shout again. I fall to my knees in tears. "Mace what happened?" Tom asks. I look up to see Tom in his boxers and his hair all messy. He kneels down to me and hugs me. "It's ok Add," he says in his soft soothing voice.
  "Addison, what happened? Why did you wake us up?" Jess asks. "She's gone guys. She's gone and I don't know where she is," I cry. John ends up coming out of our room in his underpants. He walks over to me and Tom. "Who's gone?" He asks. "Mace!" I snap.
  I hug Tom back even harder, I can tell that he's upset about this as well. Eventually Mom, Dad, and Monica come down to this floor with looks of shock on their faces. "She's gone," Dad barely gets out. I nod my head. Monica walks over and hugs me and Tom.
  Sharon walks over and takes the paper from my hand. "Hello family. Last night will be the last time you have ever seen me. I have been called back into the military. It's not with General Logan. Go to Dr.Miller at 12:30, she will tell you everything that you need to know. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you like this. Addison and John, I wish you two the best of luck. Last thing, bring Tiffany with you to Dr.Miller. Thanks for being my family,
Mace Denver." Mom reads.
  "I thought she wasn't allowed back into the army. That's what Longan said, with her injuries and all," Mom comments. I feel so helpless. I should have been a better sister when she first came to us. "Sharon, what did it say about Dr. Miller?" Dad asks. "It says that we have a meeting with her at 12:30," Mom reiterates. "It'll be ok Addison, we'll get Mace back," John comforts me.
  Come twelve, we're out the door and drive into the city so we can go to the therapist. Mom, Dad, and Tom, are in dad's truck. Heading to pick up Tiffany. The rest of us are in Tom's car. John's the one that driving thankfully, I don't think I would even be able to see the road. The ride there is silent, why would she leave? Why would she leave before my wedding?

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