Chapter 47

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"Fine," I give in. I take his hand and he pulls me close to him. "Disappear and meet my at this location. There will be people there waiting for you. I will be there in an hour, go," he commands. With out question, I grab the piece of paper from his hand. Just like he said, and I disappear. I throw a smoke bomb on the ground and hide in the shadows.

As I'm running and leaping through the falling snow, I start to contemplate everything. Can I trust this man? What if this is a trap? What if, what if Hassan finds me? Something in me though, tells me that I can trust this man and he will protect me.

As I get to the rendezvous point, I see that it's a house. A really big one at that. It's an old brick house with at least four, if not five floors. Do I knock? Or do I just tire through a window and hide somewhere? I don't know if I can trust these people or not.

Suddenly, my ears fill up with the sound of laughter. I walk closer and look into the window. It's a family. There are five girls and four men, they're all sitting on couches talking and laughing. Why would he want me to go here?

I sigh and decide to just entire through a window on the second floor. Once I'm in, I silently close the window and sigh. I slide down the wall and then that's when I see a picture of me. I get up, using the wall as support. My head is killing me and I have a feeling that I have a broken rib or two.

I pick up the picture and inspect it. I look, happy. I'm standing next to three girls. They all have nice silky blond hair and they are all shorter then me. This couldn't be me, Hassan said that I was nothing before him. He said that I didn't have a family and that he saved me. Could it have all been a lie? But why would he lie to me?

After about an hour of waiting and hearing laughing and conversation, I hear the doorbell ring. I get up and sneak my way out of the room. Using the shadows, I sneak my way to see who is at the door. And sure enough, it's the general and that red haired man.

"General Logan! How can I help you?" I hear an older woman ask. "Is she here?" I hear him ask. "Is who here?" A man asks. "Mace?" It's the red head. I walk over to the stairs, my vision blurry slightly but then comes back. Everyone looks up to where I am. They all gasp and I can see the fear in their eyes.

"Who the hell is that?" I look over to an arch that goes into the living room. I see one of the girls from the picture in the room. "How did you get in?" The older woman asks. I stay silent and inspect the people around me. "Mrs. Denver, Is there anyway that that young boy can leave? He has no need to be apart of this," the general says. I look back over to the doorway and see that he has the most fear in his eyes. His eyes also scream confusion.

  He grabs his coat and walks out of the door. Before he closes the door he takes one last look at me. I dart my eyes towards him and he quickly scurry's away. "Mace, come down," the general commands. "Mace?" The one girl vertebrates. He has blond hair and brown eyes. She's 5'3 and 124 pounds.

She would be an easy target to take down if required. I do as the general says and walk down to meet them. Once I get down the stairs, the girl walks up to me. I take a small step back. Then she runs at me with her arms open. As she runs at me I catch her by the throat and start to choke her out.

"Ughhh, M-Mace," she chokes. "Enough! Let her go," the red head commands. I look over at him and dart my eyes. "NOW!" He demands. I loosen my grip and she drops to the floor. She brings her left hand to her neck and starts to rub it, cough as she does so. A man, takes her side and kneels beside her.

"Mace, why are you doing this?" I turn my head sharply at the woman who asked me this. She's older. She has died blond hair and a lot of makeup on her face. "That's not my name," I bark. "We saw you a month ago and you where fine. And now look at you," she says. "You don't know me," I spit. "We're your family," an older man chimes in.

"My family is dead." I can't take this anymore. "If your not Mace, then who are you?" I turn my head to see a boy, no older then twenty four. "My name is Khor Khoreh. Or Loulou," I tell them. "Look, let's just sit down and talk. Is that ok?" The general asks me. I look at him and grunt. "Great."

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