The Move

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Narrator POV

Shanna is just about to be assigned to a team, but her sister shares some bad news.

Shanna POV

"Shanna sweetheart, could you come down, please?" My sister, Shinkami said.

I knew by the way she was talking that I wasn't gonna like what she was about to say. I quickly ran down the stairs and sat down in front of my sister.

"Shanna, I know you're not gonna like this, but we are moving." My sister said, and my world came crashing down.

"WE'RE WHAT!" I yelled, and my sister calmed me down.

"I'm sorry, but we have to. It's for the good of you and Shinko." My sister said.

"Does Shinko know about this?" I asked.

She nodded. "I told him this morning while you were asleep. Go to school and say your goodbyes, we'll be leaving when the sun sets."

I nodded. What am I gonna tell Naruto?


I was sitting in class, mentally panicking on how everyone would react. We were assigned to our teams.

"Team 7 will be Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Shanna." Iruka-sensei said.

Naruto cheered because he was on a team with Skaura and me. Sakura cheered because she was with Sasuke. Naruto wasn't too happy to be on a team with Sasuke.

"Iruka-sensei, why does an amazing ninja like me have to be on a team with a loser like Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"Sasuke had the highest score, followed barely behind by Shanna, and you had the worst. We pair the worst ninja with the best one to even out the teams. Shanna is going to be on your team since she was an extra." Iruka explained.

Naruto jumped onto the desk in front of Sasuke, and they ended up kissing. They both started gagging, and I sighed, not even surprised by Naruto's stupidity. All the girls beat up Naruto, and as they did that, I went to the front of the room.

"Everyone, I have some unfortunate news to share." I said.

Everyone turned towards me, including Iruka-sensei.

"I'm moving to the Sand Village, so I won't be on Team 7." I said, and complete silence filled the air.

Naruto tackled me and started wailing.

"NOOOOO, SHANNA, DON'T GO! YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND!" He yelled as he shook me.

I pulled him off me and gave him a hug.

"It's okay, Naruto, you'll still see me at the Chunin Exams." I said, trying to calm him down.

Iruka picked him up and sat him down. Everyone lined up and started to say their goodbyes.

"I'll never forget those cookies you brought me." -Choji

"I appreciate how you were never grossed out by my bugs." -Shino

"Akamaru is gonna miss you." -Kiba

"G-goodbye, S-Shanna-san. I hope you'll be okay." -Hinata

"Man, it's such a drag that you're leaving, I'll miss all those shogi games." -Shikamaru.

"Come by the flower shop, I'll give you a flower bracelet as a farewell gift. I hope you'll stay as strong as ever in the Sand Village." -Ino

"It was fun doing all those sparring matches Shanna, keep up that youthful power you have." -Lee

"You're so good at handling weapons. You definitely helped me with my jutsus. Maybe we'll meet again and we'll do a sparring match." -Tenten.

"It was your destiny to leave, but make no mistake, you will lose to me. It is your inevitable destiny." -Neji

"Shanna, you were my best friend, I really hope you'll get stronger, and we can fight to see whose the best. Can I take you to get some ramen for the last time?" -Naruto

"Shanna, even though I'm weak, you still were my friend, and I appreciate that. I hope all goes well in the Sand Village." -Sakura.

"Hn, I guess we'll be enemies now. You better watch your back, Shanna, we'll see whose the better ninja in the Chunin Exams." -Sasuke.

As everyone said their goodbyes, I gave them all hugs or handshakes, I smiled. I knew everyone was gonna miss me a little bit, as I'm not the one to be forgotten easily. As the sun set, me and Naruto ate ramen together, even though i didn't like it, and I got a flower bracelet from Ino. She gave me one last hug. Naruto hugged me tightly and didn't want to let go.

"Please, I don't want you to go!" Naruto yelled as he started crying again. Sakura pulled him off me.

"I'm sorry, Shanna. Naruto is just a bit emotional right now." She said.

I walked over to Naruto and created a crystal toad for him. I gave it to him and said my final farewell. "Something to remember me by." I winked and then walked back to my siblings, and we ran out of the village.

As soon as we were out of sight, we all called our dragons and flew off.

Hello, my hatchlings, I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter, as I'm trying to make them more lengthy. Poor Naruto, he's gonna miss Shanna. Now, this starts the few chapters that I will write to show you how Shanna tries to adapt to the heat and sand of Suna. Stay happy and healthy, my beautiful hatchlings.

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