The Himuko Clan

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(This is the Himuko Clan emblem)

This is a chapter explaining the Himuko Clan.


The Himuko Clan lives throughout the Shinobi Nations, with the capital being the Himuko Palace, located in the heart of the Fire Nation. The colonies are much, much larger than a hidden village. Each colony population is in the hundreds of thousands. There are five colonies, each one in a different Great Nation. The other four smaller nations aren't large enough for the Himuko clan to live there with their dragons. They set up smaller colonies in those four smaller nations to serve as scouting colonies that only contain messenger dragons and some Himuko members. Their colonies have a special jutsu that makes them invisible to those who do not bear the tattoo of the Himuko clan. Dragons are branded with the Himuko symbol, though it barely hurts because of their thick scales. The tattoos are given at age 16, as the children of the Himuko clan don't leave their colony until age 16 to do supply runs or help other colonies. Shanna is a special case. She has her siblings with her whenever she goes back to the Fire Nation colony at the end of this book. Why the Fire Nation colony? Because that's where she originated from before she left.

Kekkei Genkai:

Their clan had a kekkei genkai that allows almost all Himuko clan members to create and control crystal. Some Himukos don't have the kekkei genkai, although they do carry the gene for it. If a Himuko member doesn't develop the kekkei genkai, they instead take care of the dragons and the colony.


The "Kage" of the Himuko clan is the Matriarch, a female who is the strongest Himuko. She is the only one who can sit on the throne in the Himuko Palace, and she is in charge of everything. Every colony is under her command, no matter how far. All dragons and Himuko clan members bow to her with no hesitation, as she commands the Draconic Army, which consists of dragons and highly trained Himuko members who are stronger than the ANBU and Jonin of the shinobi world. Each colony does have a leader to look after the colony, but they are not on the same level as the Matriarch. They just keep things balanced in the colony and send help or request it when needed.


The Himuko clan revere a figure known as the "Dragon Goddess," who they say created them and the dragons. There is a winter and summer festival in each colony that celebrates their creation. Competitions, feasts, and many other activities ensue in these celebrations, which often last a week. After the celebration is over, they return back to their normal duties to protect their colonies.

Relationship with other Nations:

The Himuko colonies are solitary and don't seek help from the other Shinobi nations. They only communicate with each other for the safety of their dragons.


The Himuko clan uses messenger dragons, which are small but deadly venomous dragons to deliver their messages. They can get from one colony to another in a matter of 2-4 days, depending on the distance. Which is quite fast, considering how large the nations are. The four smaller nations have scouting colonies where messenger dragons can rest and then continue on.

This is all I have for the Himuko clan. If you're confused about anything, please let me know so I can explain. If you have any information you'd like to add about my clan, feel free to tell me, and I might add it if it makes sense. Stay happy and healthy, my beautiful hatchlings.

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