Chapter 44

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Sophie froze. Her muscles were locked in place.

Her heart raced as she frantically searched for a way out of the situation.

How had the figure known that she was there?

She waited for a few more beats, but she only got silence. That meant she wasn't fooling anyone.

So she crossed her arms and stepped out.

"There we go," the figure said. "Now we can talk freely."

She recognized the voice before her eyes made contact.

Then she wanted to be wrong.

But standing at the table with her parents...

Was Lord Cassius.

The last time she had seen him was during their prison break at Exile when he was trapped and helpless.

But now he was staring back at her cooly.

Like he once did. Like the same person he was.

Her parents looked embarrassed. Uneasy.

But none of that matched the pit of dislike she felt for the man before her.

"Where's Sandor?" Lord Cassius asked, turning in a circle to scrutinize the surroundings. "I thought he'd be here with you."

Sophie did not indicate that she had heard his question. She didn't know the answer.

Not telling him would give her a bonus advantage even if she did.

"I guess you don't know," he said. His ice-blue eyes glinted.

They reminded Sophie too much of Keefe.

How did he...

Sophie wanted to smack herself.

She was talking to an Empath. Of course.

"Why are you here?" Sophie asked instead, trying to eradicate her frustration.

Controlled emotions.

Balanced breaths.

Composed face.

"To know what you've been up to these last few days," Lord Cassius continued smoothly, curling his lip. "And to understand the situation and give a report."

"A report?" Sophie asked incredulously. "Why do we need you to report anything? Besides, Mr. Forkle and Tiergan are already here, so the Black Swan will know about this either way!"

This made Lord Cassius smile. A smile of cold amusement. A smile that reminded Sophie too much about Lady Gisela.

But she had killed Lady Gisela.

"The Black Swan," Lord Cassius chuckled. "How... riveting. However, there are more important people beyond them."

More important people...


Sophie suspected that he wouldn't tell her if she asked. So she kept quiet to not give him the satisfaction.

"Of course, I also have to thank you for ending Gisela," he continued after a pause. "Although it wasn't that hard, right?"

Sophie stared at him impassively, trying to calm herself, but her traitorous emotions gave everything away nonetheless.

"Exactly," Lord Cassius said, turning to pace. "Telekinesis. Such a simple trick. I'm astounded that Gisela was so distracted that she didn't react in time."

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