Chapter 50

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For a moment, Sophie thought she had been teleported elsewhere.

Her surroundings looked different.

She was in a small bedroom. Everything inside wasn't exactly vibrant or elaborate, but it had a comforting feeling. A feeling of home.

There was a small nightstand, a desk with an old lamp, a cluttered bookshelf, and a tiny closet.

Aside from that, there was also a music stand holding countless pages of sheet music and notes.

In a corner stood several musical instruments. That was the first time Sophie realized that she had hardly experienced music in the Lost Cities. Now that she thought of it... was there music in the elvin world?

She appreciated the songs Flori sang to her.

She also had her iPod back at Havenfield- but it was probably gone now.

Because her home was destroyed.

The feeling lanced through her heart as she thought of Iggy, Silveny, and all the creatures who had to endure the horrifying experience...

However, there was another voice in her head that had hope.

Just because Havenfield isn't the same as before, doesn't mean we can't rebuild it.

Home isn't a place. It's a feeling.

The only window in the room allowed streams of golden sunlight to enter, which bathed the small room in warmth.

Sophie glanced out the window...

Her heart skipped a beat.

Outside... was Havenfield. As the thought came through her head, she knew it was true.

She recognized the slopes of the hills, the cliffs...

Aside from minor differences in the terrain and vegetation, the lack of creatures and pastures, and the absence of Calla's Panakes, the view was strikingly familiar and brought a wave of nostalgia.

Did that mean that this was the Havenfield of another time?

"Your home is really nice," Merida said in a wistful voice. "It's beautiful and it feels like... home."

"It's comfortable, I guess," Justin shrugged. "This is my room."


Justin used to live in Havenfield?

The thought send Sophie's mind reeling.

Was there the possibility that he was related to the Ruewens, somehow? 

The duo walked inside and Merida's eyes widened. "I had no idea you had so many instruments."

Sophie's only knowledge of musical instruments was from her time in the human world, but she saw an instrument like a flute, one like an oboe, and another like a clarinet...?

Maybe elves had human instruments during that time... or perhaps elvin instruments were different. She had no clue. 

"I've been collecting them," Justin answered shyly. "A lot of people treat them as if they're useless, but I disagree."

"Nice," Merida said. Then she looked more nervous as she asked, "Where are your parents? Do they know I'm here?"

"My parents... are working. I told them I was bringing someone here today," Justin said, running a hand through his hair. "Do you want a drink?"

"Umm... sure," Merida answered.

Justin disappeared into what looked like a small kitchen. Moments later, he produced an amber-gold drink- which looked shockingly familiar.

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