Chapter 49

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A sudden whirlwind swept blinding dust into the air and knocked Sophie down, rendering her immobile and helpless.

She felt too tired to even scream. She just wanted it to be over.

When the roaring tide subsided, she looked up again.

But she was no longer on the island of Elysian- no longer in the terrifying moments she had experienced just seconds before.

She was now in a very empty room that stretched endlessly.

She pushed herself up from what appeared to be the floor, which was the same dull gray color as the rest of the expanse.

Sophie was away from Elysian, away from the cold voice.

Or so she thought.

"Such ignorance," said the cold voice suddenly, as if it read her thoughts.

She wasn't alone.

Instantly, Sophie tensed up, her senses on high alert.

She turned around in the dark space, searching for the source. But like before, she couldn't detect anyone.

"You've seen a lot of things in here," the voice continued, sounding for all the world like a tour guide introducing the sights. Too bad there weren't any. "You call them your visions, but they are not as random as you think. Naturally, you've become quite accustomed to the process. But of course that was only part of the plan."

There was something about the voice that always made Sophie feel weak and small, like a chastised child.

It was a female voice, but there was something that bothered Sophie...

It was impossible to tell how old the person was.

Because the voice was... layered, somehow?

Sophie stood still and managed to find a spark of bravery deep within. "Who are you?"

"My identity has no significance whatsoever." The voice held no aggression or edge but had a tone of calmness and finality.

Sophie had a feeling she wouldn't learn that even if she used all of her persistence. "Where's Elysian?"

"Right behind you."

Sophie whirled around, and to her alarm, she saw Elysian lying on the floor. "Elysian!"

She immediately rushed over to shake her. But she didn't feel anything. Her hand went right through the apparition that was Elysian's body.


The voice laughed. It was simple and harmless, but cold and mocking all the same.

Elysian didn't respond. She just laid there, a silent shell.

"What have you done to her?" Sophie shouted.

She had to be alive... right?

"I don't know," the voice responded airily. "Looks bad, right? But we can have this."

As if on cue, Elysian vanished and appeared a few feet away in the exact same position.

"Or this."

Right before Sophie's eyes, two more copies of Elysian appeared. They were all identical, and Sophie knew what they were.


They weren't real- the real Elysian was somewhere else in this weird space. Or maybe in a completely different one.

Sophie was just being toyed with.

She had to work hard to lock her frustration and panic away.

Besides, she couldn't give the voice- whoever it was- the satisfaction of getting to her head.

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