Chapter 2

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Everyone acts like she's so ditzy and dumb, but I've never met someone so perceptive. The next day at school she immediately realized something was wrong and pulled me into a bathroom.

"Quinn, you're a sad panda today. Why?"

"I'm not sure I want to talk about it." I said, turning to the mirror to adjust my makeup.

"Quinn, please. I can help." I sighed.

"You'll love me no matter what, right?"

"Of course, you and Santana are my unicorns."

----new perspective----

"Aw shit." I thought to myself. How did they find me? I stood up on the toilet so they wouldn't see my feet and made my breathing shallow.

"You'll love me no matter what, right?" I heard Quinn say. Since when has Quinn been insecure?

"Of course! You and Santana are my unicorns."

"When I was like thirteen I had a best friend."

"Yeah, us, remember?"

"No, before that. We were really close. And one day I told her, I told her I loved her." I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Everyone loves their best friend! I love you! I love Santana!"

"Not like that Britt, like, romantically!" I gasped and quickly covered my mouth. They both paused and looked around. Seeing nothing they continued.


"Like relationships!" Said Quinn now frustrated.

"So your?"

"Not straight, right. She totally rejected me and then heartbroken I started torturing her." Why did this sound so familiar?


"Yeah." I heard a sniff and assumed she was crying. "So I was looking through my attic and I saw all these old photos, photos of her. She goes to school here. She doesn't recognize me because of my nose job, hair dye, and weight loss. But I can feel it happening again!" I heard snuffled sob and looked through to see Quinn hugging Brittany. Brittany saw me through the crack and she glared. Who knew that girl could glare? I gulped but she didn't reveal my presence to Quinn.

"Who was it? Who was the girl?" I peeled my ears, I had a friend named Lucy once...
It couldn't be.

"R-Rachel!" The tears started again. I clasped a hand to my mouth. QUINN?! Quinn still loved me?! Why?! When?! What?! How?!? This is- but it can't be- she couldn't- not anymore...

"Rachel? As in man hands? As in troll? As in-" she caught sight of Quinn's glare. "Never mind." She helped her clean up the stained mascara and got her out of the bathroom. She immediately took out her phone and dialed someone.

"Hey-listen come to the second floor bathroom immediately. What? No, well sort of. Just come here now." She turned to the stall I was hiding in. "Stop hiding." I opened the door a crack, and she mumbled "You're not a chameleon." I opened it more widely.

"I-I wasn't here on purpose." She glared again. "I won't tell Quinn." I said softly. The bathroom door opened.

"Britt, what's going on?" I froze and looked at Brittany. I recognized that voice anywhere. Fuck.

"Come over here I need a favor." Santana crossed over the bathroom and saw me.

"What exactly should I do to her."

"Anything, everything, just make sure she's crying by the end." She gave me a hard glance, "see what Santana does to you now will be a taste of what you'll get if you tell anyone." She walked out, I was surprised by her, well, lack of ditziness.

"Alright RuPaul, lets get this beat down started."

----new perspective----

I felt really bad, like all the unicorns in all the world were glaring at me. I knew Quinn would die though if Rachel told anyone. So I did what I had to do, for Quinn.
But now I have to think, bleck. The power of the rainbow is the strongest power ever, which means gay people always prevail. So if I let the rainbow do its thing I won't have to worry about thinking! The bell rang and I headed off to my geometry class. It's too easy! Every test I spice up with unicorns, sometimes I forget to write the answers though, well, always. Maybe I'll remember this time though! I skipped off cheerfully to class, excited for our unit test.

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