Chapter 6

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"Santana! Brittany! What are you doing here?"

"What are YOU doing here?" I looked around the small cave she had set up. "Do you live here now?"

"No! It's just uh, peaceful here."

"When are the lies going to stop?" Asked Brittany rather reporter like.

"I do live here." she said looking down. "My parents kicked me out, and then my sister did too." I saw a tear drop down.

"Quinn! Why didn't you tell us?! You could've stayed with me!" I yelled, slightly taken aback.

"I can't."

"Why the fuck not?!"

"I'm in withdrawal." I remembered her hands shaking, her sleepless eyes, her ravenous appetite.

"Quinn, my dads a doctor he could've helped, please let me take you home. You can stay with me, at least for a little while. Until your parents get over it!" I said holding out a head for her to get up from.

"I don't think they will." She couldn't meet my eyes.

"Why?" Brittany asked her gently

"It's not something I can change or get over."

"Is this about Rachel?" Brittany wondered.


"Wait, what about- you know what, never mind. Quinn pack your bags you're moving in with me for a few days," she tried to interrupt but I put a finger to her lips. "So as soon as you pack up we'll go to breadstix and get you a hot meal. Then you'll get settled at my place. But while we are at breadstix you will fill me in on everything. Cool?"


"Cool, cause you don't have a choice." I interrupted. "I finished that homework by the way, I'll give you the answers."

"Thanks." she said, finally excepting help. I smiled and picked up her books.

----new perspective----

I was really thinking. I knew I was bi. But if the question was Finn over Quinn then I knew the answer. Right? Wouldn't it be Rachel?

Why was this so complicated?!

I know! I'll make a pros and cons list!

Pro (Finn)
Good kisser
Good singer
Cares about me

Bad quarterback
Bad at sex [according to Santana]
Worse sense of style than me
Doesn't quite understand me
Bad at anything romantic
Sort of dumb

Pros (Quinn)
Captain of Cherrios
Good singer
Cares about me
Understands me
Good at romance
Probably a great kisser too

Cons (Quinn)
She used to bully me
Both of our lives would be miserable as lesbians
Um that's it
She's practically perfect
But what about Finn?
I really like him.
Wait why?

Goddammit I don't even know! But I can't just break up with him, I do love him. I just feel like, you know, we're end game!

This is the hardest choice ever. Does Quinn even still like me?

Probably not.
Ugh! Why is this so complicated!

I mean Finn did just break up Quinn a couple of weeks ago. (AN: yes I realize it was after that, as Artie says: just roll with it) So what if he's not over her? She's over him though. If she likes me... But what if she doesn't?!

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