Chapter 19: It's for her own good

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The expensive car was driving fast on the road towards the Cullen residents

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The expensive car was driving fast on the road towards the Cullen residents.

Jared was taking the turns with impossible speed, trying very hard not to hit in a tree.

He kept glansing back at the backseat where Alice was sitting with Seraphina's head on her lap.

Alice had put a towel that Emily had found on the claw marks trying to stop the bleeding.

She manage to slow it down, but it hadn't stopped and Alice was close to panic attack.

"Alice how's her pulse?" Jared asked the panicked woman.

Alice qickly checked for a pulse and when she found it she released a breath "I-I-I found it. But it's slow, you need to hurry up."

And that's exactly what he did.

A few minutes later Jared could see the window glass house, the second he stopped the car, the front door opened and Carlisle and Jasper run outside with the others behind them.

"Where are they?" Jasper asked the wolf the second he was out of the car.

"In the backseat. Carlisle, Seraphina barely have a pulse." Jared informed them with a scared look on his face.

Jasper quickly opened the door and he froze the second he saw his bloody daughter in his wife's arms.

He felt like his heart stopped beating again, as he saw her.

Carlisle saw that and he quickly turned to the wolf "Jared I need you to grab Ina and follow me."

Esme pulled frozen Jasper away, so that Jared could carefully lift the Nymph, and he quickly followed the leader of the coven inside the house towards the makeshift medical room.

Jared carefully placed Seraphina on the bed and looked at Carlisle "Can you help her?"

Carlisle carefully lifted the towel away to inspect the damage.

"The good news is that she stopped bleeding and the claw marks hadn't damage anything important..."

"There is a but isn't it?" Jared asked him with a scared voice.

Carlisle sighed as he looked over him "She lost too much blood, her heartbeat it's slowing down. She needs blood transition so that her healing powers can trigger. She is too weak right now."

"Oh my god." Jared sighed as he run his fingers through his hair stressfully.

Seraphina becomes part of the family, part of the pack and she was like a little sister to Sam and she was Paul's imprint.

But also she's a friend to everyone, she wanted everyone to get along and now... they might lose her, because Jacob was an idiot.

"Jared." The boy looked at Carlisle "I need Paul. You need to get him here. Now!"

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now