Chapter 41: The truth

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The next day came quicker than Paul expected

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The next day came quicker than Paul expected.

Rosalie and Esme cleaned Bella from all the blood and dressed her in a nice blue dress, getting her ready for her transition, if that even happens.

She was too still and Edward was afraid that maybe he was late.

Bree, Alice, Jasper and Paul cleaned up Seraphina and changed her clothes, and they placed her in her room.

Paul hadn't left his imprint side the whole time.

He still couldn't believe that she was gone.

He felt emptiness inside of him, he didn't even had enough tears to cry.

He just stood over her body watching her with a blank expression.

The Cullens stood together as they tried to wraped their heads around what happened to Seraphina, they just didn't unserstand.

Suddenly they heard a truck pulling up in front of their house, they looked at each other in confusion before Alice walked towards the window to see who was coming.

It was Emily.

Alice furrow her brows in confusion before she looked at her family "It's Emily."

Paul walked in the room in that moment and looked around confused, before he looked at Jacob, Leah and Seth who stood next to Bree.

All of them looked confused of why would Emily come.

Carlisle walked to the door and opened it for them "Emily." He greeted her.

"Hi Carlisle." Emily greated him softly.

"What are you doing here?" Carlisle asked her.

Emily sighed before she pulled a book from her bag and show it to Carlisle "I need to tell you guys something."

Carlisle nodded his head and led her inside the house.

The two of them walked into the living room, where everyone were.

Emily looked around the family, who looked at the woman sadly.

Her eyes then moved over to Paul, who was leaning against the wall with a blank expresion on his face.

She moved over to him slowly looking at him sadly, Paul slowly looked at the woman as she slowly hugged him.

He didn't move for a few second before he finally returned the hug.

A few second later she broke the hug and looked at him with a small smile.

He returned the smile before he cleaned his throat "Why are you here Emily? Did Sam send you?"

Emily moved away from him "Sam... it's at the dog house now." She said with a smirk.

Emmett snored, but quickly tried to cover it as everyone looked at him.

The last nymph- Paul Lahote (Twilight) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now