Chapter 25: Rosalie's story

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"It's just a sprain

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"It's just a sprain." Carlisle stated, wrapping Bella's wrist, while Seraphina stood in the doorway. "It should heal fairly quickly."

Jasper and Emmett walked in and Jasper instantly walked towards his daughter, when he felt her anger.

He put his hand on her shoulder making her look at him, but she just shook her head at him.

"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett asked her with a smirk on his face.

"I punched a werewolf in the face." Bella told him with a small smirk.

"Bad ass." Emmett said with a smirk as he nodded his head "You're gonna be one tough little newborn."

"Tough enough to take you on." Bella said, but that some how made Rosalie upset.

She angrily got up at this throwing down the newspaper and left the room.

"Don't worry about it." Emmett told Bella.

"Any leads?" Seraphina asked her father.

"No sign of the intruder." He told her.

They continued their conversation as Bella went after Rosalie.

She walked outside but stopped a little bit behind the blonde woman.

"Go blab to someone else about the joys of becoming a newborn." Rosalie told her annoyed.

Bella looked down before gathering enough courage to say.

"Okay, Rosalie I don't understand what I did to make you hate me so much."

Rosalie laughed a bit and looked at her over her shoulder.

"I don't hate you." She told her "I don't particularly like you but..." she paused for a second "Bella, I envy you."

"What?" Bella asked "That's ridiculous."

"No it's not." Rosalie quickly snapped back at her "You have a choice, I didn't. None of us did but you do and your choosing wrong." She said her voice filled with sincerity "I don't care how miserable your human life is."

Bella walked slowly towards her "My life's not miserable. It's not perfect. Nobody's life is perfect."

Rose looked in the distance and reminisced "Mine was. Absolutely perfect." She said with a small smile.

"There were things I still wanted. Married with a nice house, husband to kiss me when he came home. A family of my own." She told her with a larger smile.

She looked down "Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town. I barely knew him, but I was young, I was in love with the idea of love." She paused having a hard time telling her, her story.

"On the last night of my life I left a friends house late, I wasn't far from home. I walked and a group of men grabbed my attention one of them being Royce and they were all clearly drunk. I tried to leave, but he wouldn't let me, and they did things to me... and once they were done they left me in the street thinking I was dead. Believe me I wanted to be. Carlisle found me, he smelled all the blood, thought he was helping me."

"I got my revenge though. One at a time, left Royce last so he knew I was coming." She chuckled  "I was a little theatrical back then." She looked down sadly.

Bella looked at her with sympathy.

"Things got better after I found Emmett. But we'll always be this, frozen never moving forward. It's what I miss the most, possibilities. Sitting on a front porch somewhere, Emmett grey haired by my side surrounded by our grandchildren, our laughter." She told her sadly.

"I understand, but that's what you want. There's nothing I'm ever gonna want more than Edward." Bella told her.

Rosalie turned to her "Your wrong again. After you've been changed there's one thing you'll want more, one thing you'll kill for. Blood."

After her talk with Rosalie, Bella made her way towards Seraphina's room

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After her talk with Rosalie, Bella made her way towards Seraphina's room.

When she walked in she was shocked to see Paul with Seraphina standing together on the balcony.

The imprint couple turned around and looked towards the human.

"Hey Bells." Seraphina greeted her with a smile.

"Hey Bella. How's the hand?" Paul asked her as she walked towards them.

Bella looked at her hand and then back at the wolf "Just sprained. Nothing serious."

"I still can't believe he did that. Fucking idiot." Paul snarled in anger.

Bella nodded "Yeah, I can't either." She whispered "How did you two knew what had happened?"

Seraphina sighed as she leaned against Paul a little more "I saw it, like I was there."

Bella nodded before she looked at Paul "By the way, thank you for trying to protect me Paul. You didn't have to, you know. I know I'm not your favorite person in the world..."

"Like I told Jacob, I don't have to like you to know what he did was wrong." He snarled in anger.

Bella nodded her head "Well thank you."

"I just... didn't want you to go through something like that. Something that my mother went throught, it can kill you." Paul whispered sadly.

He tightened his hold on his imprint, as he started remembering what happened when he was twelve.

Seraphina looked up at her mate sadly, while Bella looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Bella asked him.

Paul sighed as he realized his mistake and he looked down at Seraphina, who looked at him and nodded her head.

"When I was twelve... my mom... she was raped and then stabbed."

Bella gasped "Oh my god."

"That's why I got so angry at Jacob. Because no matter what you feel towards someone... you can't do something like that to a girl." Paul snarled in anger.

"I'm sorry you had to went through that." Bella told him softly.

"I'm sorry Jacob did that too."

And then the tree of them just sat on the balcony in silence enjoing the night.

What they didn't knew was that the Cullens had heard Paul's story and they couldn't help but feel bad for the wolf, especially Rosalie.

What they didn't knew was that the Cullens had heard Paul's story and they couldn't help but feel bad for the wolf, especially Rosalie

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