19) Bonfire

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Song: Easy/Lucky/Free by Bright Eyes


Third Person (POV)

Kai and his friends decided to sit on the lawn under a tree infront of the school, instead of in the cafeteria. The sun was sitting in the middle of the sky, smiling down proudly, making everything that it's magnificent rays touch a golden yellow color. The wind moved gently through the air with birds riding the gentle breeze as they glided through the air. The flowers too, were smiling, dressed in magnificent gowns, ranging from reds, to yellows and even blues. Kai was glad that he and his friends made the decision to have lunch outside today.

Today, Kai was having spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. It was yesterday's leftovers from the diner that he worked at. Martha, Kai's boss, usually allows the employees to go home with whatever that was left, because she swore an oath that she will only serve fresh food to her coustomers, and also refrain from wasting food. And Kai really admired her for that.

Kai took a bite of his food and almost moaned in pleasure. He was happy that he was eating actual food for once, instead of the shit that the cafeteria served. Kai needed to remind himself to thank M again for allowing them to leave with the leftovers.

"Are you guys going to the bonfire tonight?" Stacy asked causing Kai to snap back to reality.

The bonfire was an annual event that was hosted by the football team. It would be heald at the same lake that Kai was at almost two weeks ago.

"Will there be alcohol there?" Austin asked.

"Dude, thats like asking if water is wet. Of course there will be alcohol." Juan answered.

"Actually," Austin said. "Water is not wet."

"What? Of course water is wet. That's like saying that fire is not hot."

"Dude that's literally not the same thing." Said Austin shaking his head.

"Yes it is." Juan replied.

"No it's not."

"Yes. It. Is." Juan said. "If water is not wet, then fire is not hot. Simple science."

"Honestly dude I don't even know why I try to educate you." Austin told him.

Juan rolled his eyes. "How can you educate me, when you yourself is not educated?"

"Ok, stop it the two of you. Why do you guys always have to make everything an argument?" Stacy cut them off, sighing in frustration. "I asked a simple question. Are you guys coming or not?"

"That's like asking if water is wet. Of course I'm coming." Juan used the same reference to annoy Austin, causing Austin to flip him off.

"Austin?" Stacy asked.

Austin nodded. "Yes I'm coming."

"Kai?" Stacy asked causing all eyes to turn to him.

Kai stopped mid chewing and looked up to shake his head no.

"What? Why?" Stacy asked.

Kai just shrugged. Social events was not something that Kai enjoyed. Even though that they would be outdoors and not squeezed up in a small room, Kai just wanted to stay away from people. Normally he would do anything to be away from his house, but this was an exception.

"I just don't want to come." Kai answered.

"Come on dude," Juan said. "Have you ever even been to a party?"

"Nope." Kai said popping the 'p.'

"See? You have to come. All three of us will be here." Austin argued.

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