36) Never Alone

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Song: My Own by Whitaker

Kai Carter (POV)

"So what are you doing later? I though maybe we could hang out one last time before we leave."

"Sorry, I can't. Already made plans with Juan." Said Rob from the other side of the phone.

"Wow, so you're ditching me to hang out with your boyfriend? Some best friend you are." Said Damien.

"Oh please, don't act like you haven't done the same thing on multiple occasions. If I have to count the amount of times you ditched us for Kai, I'd lose count." Rob fired back.

"Ok, now you're overreacting and over exaggerating." Damien defended.

"Am I though?"

"Ok, maybe not, but you know we're leaving for Italy tomorrow right? And I'll not see you for an entire month." Said Damien to his best friend.

"I know, but you'll have Kai with you." Rob told him.

"Yeah, well I have to go. If I don't start parking mom is going to sacrifice me."

Rob laughed. "Ok, bro. Wouldn't want that happening. See ya." He hanged up.

So apparently, Damien, his family and I are leaving for Italy tomorrow, and he was trying to hang out with Rob one more time before we left, but Rob already had plans with his boyfriend.

School had ended only two days ago and I couldn't have been more happy. Although I used school as an escape from my old home, that doesn't mean that it was all rainbows and unicorns, in fact it was also terrible. It was just more barable than my former place of residence.

I don't know if it was purely by coincidence, or if there was interference by some outer world being, but both Damien and I ended up getting scholarships for Havard University. While my scholarship was for art, his was for football.

"Rob already has plans, so he can't hang out." Damien said to me.

"I know, I heard the entire conversation." I told him.

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"Nope." I said popping the 'p.' "Your phone was on speaker."

"You were still evesdropping." He said walking over to me, locking his arms around my waist.

"Maybe I should teach you a lesson." He said kissing my neck so gently, that his lips almost didn't make contact with my skin.

I placed my hands firmly on his chest and gave him a small shove away from me.

"Or how about you you go pack your suitcases, you can be horny all you want when you're done." I said gently grabbing his crotch.

Damien took in a deep breath as if he was calming himself down before rushing inside his closet and coming out with two huge suitcases.


"I'm sorry but superman is just the greatest superhero of all time." Said Topher.

"He isn't, he's the most basic superhero ever. And the best name the writers could come up with for him was 'superman' surely they could have been more creative than that." Said Damien.

Topher gasped dramatically. "How dare you call the man of steel basic? He was the first superhero. The blueprint for all the rest that came after. And calling his name uncreative and generic when your favourite superhero name is 'spiderman' is hypocrite."

"What's wrong with spiderman?"

"The name is basic. That's what's wrong with it." Said Topher. "And superman is a much better superhero."

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