33) Somewhere In The Distance

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Song : Take Care by Beach House

Kai Carter (POV)

It's been almost a week since Damien and I have been outed, and the whole situation with Shane and Christopher. I was very surprised to find out that neither Damien, nor Rob had gotten suspended. They didn't even get detention. I know teachers who gives detention for way smaller incidents.

I haven't see Shane or Christopher for the past couple of days, and frankly, I don't really blame them. They were probably still healing at home from the fights with Damien... actually, calling these fights were really a stretch. It was more of a humiliation. One more public than the other. It was a beat down.

After that entire show that Damien and Rob put on in the cafeteria that day, no one has bothered me since. I guess Damien made it pretty clear what would happen if anyone did. Of course I still got looks from different people, mainly girls who I guess were jealous that I was with Damien. But that was kinda expected now that Damiens' and I relationship was now public.

As for Wendy, aka the bitch who uploaded the pictures in the first place, I haven't seen her. I guessed that she's probably embarrassed that her plan, whatever the hell it was, didn't work out. I don't know what she though she would accomplish, but it didn't work. In fact if anything, her plan brought Damien and I even closer together. Maybe I should thank her. Thank her that she brought me and my boyfriend, the guy she wanted for herself, even closer together.

As for things at home, it's been quite mundane, which is a really weird thing for me to say when discribing my place of residence. Normally it's chaos. Normally it consists of my parents finding any reason to abuse me and remind me why I was the son they never wanted, but it's been quiet lately. My parents don't bother me, maybe it's because of the fact that I'm hardly home, because I spend basically all of my free time with Damien, and I even sleep over more times than not.

But all in all, things have been... great. Things have been good, better than how it has been in a long time. And to be honest, that kinda weirded me out, because that was not normal. Things don't usually go my way, and I just couldn't help but feel like something was brewing. I felt like somewhere in the distance, some was brewing.

Or maybe I was just being paranoid.

"What you thinking about?" Asked Damien bringing me out of my thoughts.

The two of us were lying on his bed, and I was using his chest as a pillow. He was stroking his fingers through my hair as I was aimlessly daydreaming.

"Nothing. Just how things are going good." I told him.

Damien chuckled and I could feel the vibrations through his chest.

I lifted my head from his chest to look at him. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"The fact that you told me that you were thinking of nothing, then proceeded to tell me exactly what you were thinking about."

"Well what I mean, is that what I'm thinking about isn't important." I told him.

He hummed in response. "As much as I apriciate your rant, I'm kinda cold and I need your body heat, so come back and lay with me."

I clutched my chest in pretense offence. "My rant? You were the one who asked me what I was thinking about."

"Well yeah, but you still went on a rant." He said.

"I barely said ten words."

"Still a rant babe, now come lay with me."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not going to cuddle with you." I just wanted to tease him.

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