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Y/N's pov:

When I entered the daycare lobby, I was met with the usual bright colors and migraine-inducing patterns. I saw Link out the corner of the my eye, but I didn't see the person next to him.

"Y/N!" Link called me. I stopped walking toward the slid and redirected myself to where Link was. "Y/N, this is Carl. He's from upper management, and he'll be here for a few days to supervise a couple things," Link said.

Carl extended his hand to me, a sweet smile spreading across his face. "Hello, Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said. I shook his hand, but he didn't seem to want to let go.

"Uh, well I hate to leave so soon, but my shift starts in like ten minutes, so-" "Oh, that's alright. We can get to know each other a bit better after you're done," Carl said. I smiled uncomfortably.

Carl seemed calm. Too calm for my liking.

I wasn't very good with other humans anymore. I prefer to be around Sun and Moon, even though it feels like I've just met Moon, and I haven't known Sun for that long either.

I quickly went down the slide and entered the daycare, where I was promptly plucked out of the ball pit by Sun. "Y/N!!! We missed you so much, Sunshine! Moon said that everything went okay yesterday, did it really?!" he said as he carried me around the daycare.

I chuckled at his antics as a warm feeling spread throughout my body. Sunny made my day so much better.

"Yes, Sun. Everything went well. Moon did ask me to see if I could work the day and night shifts since he thinks I can help with another issue," I replied. Sun suddenly perked up. "Well that's amazing! We can spend even more time together! We're gonna have so much fun!" he happily spun around with his arms out.

"Don't get too excited yet. I still have to ask if I can do both," Sun stopped spinning and crouched down to my eye level, holding me in place by my shoulders while staring me down. "Well either way, we'll still have LOTS of fun! We can do SO many things! Moon even had some ideas!"

Sun paused. "Of course, they weren't all family-friendly, but I helped him come up with some better ideas," he said.

I shook my head. As long as Moon wasn't planning on ripping me limb from limb, I was good with almost anything.

Sun's pov:

Y/N is so fun to be around! I can't wait to show her my room after work! There's so many things to do there! Hopefully it's clean enough for them. Moon spent all night picking it up for her, how sweet of him! It's a shame he's sleeping right now, though.


Oh how fun, all my little friends are here!

Unfortunately, this group contains the troublemaker. He hasn't broken the rules yet, but I'll be glad when I cam finally ban him for good.

"Hello my sunbeams! Welcome back to the daycare! We're gonna have so much fun together!" I said as I hugged them all. Y/N preferred to stay behind and clean some things before the kids got to it.

They don't seem to like crowds, but that okay! I prefer when they spend time with me and Moon!

"How about we have a puppet show first? You can choose which puppets we use!" I suggested to the children. They all cheered at the idea. All good sounds!

As the children got seated, I grabbed the big box of puppets I kept near the puppet stage, and took some of them out. "Which ones do you wanna use? We have royalty, animals, people-" "Do the Glamrocks!" "I want Freddy!" "Pick Roxy!" the kids started shouting about one of the rockstars or another, and I couldn't keep the smile on my face after hearing them scream their names.

I didn't hate the Glamrocks, it's just that they weren't very kind to me and Moon, and I didn't want to portray them as bad people to the kids since they looked up to them so much. It made me upset to think about them.

Still, I didn't want to disappoint my friends, so I put on my best smile and grabbed the puppets.

"Okay! Let me get them ready!" I said.

The kids all chattered amongst themselves while I got all the mini instruments and stuff for the puppets ready.

When I was done, I regained the children's attention and did my best to give them a good show.

Y/N's pov:

I had just finished wiping off the last shelf when I saw the kids gathered around some sort of tiny stage with Sun sticking his hands through it.

I wandered over to see what it was all about, and I saw the kids intently watching a puppet show of the Glamrocks. Right now, Sun was making Monty and Chica dance while even making sound effects for the music and shit.

I didn't really like the main four all that much. They were alright, but a little loud. Of course, they were stage animatronics thay performed for thousands of kids and adults every day. They had to be loud.

Soon, the puppet show came to an end, and the kids all clapped and cheered. Sun quickly put the puppets and mini stage away before coming back to entertain the children again.

"That was a fun puppet show! How about we draw a bit before snack time?" he suggested. The kids all scattered and congregated at a drawing table as Sun passed out paper, crayons, markers, and glitter glue for them to use.

As we were watching them draw and assisting anyone that needed help, I noticed movement out the corner of my eye. When I turned around, I saw a stray kid running for the light switch.

"No, don't touch that!" I said as I started sprinting over. Sun heard me and when he noticed he started running as well. "NO! The lights need to stay ON, friend!" he said frantically.

Before either of us could get to the kid in time, it went dark, and I heard Sun screaming in pain. "NO! LIGHTS ON! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! I WARNED YOU-" I watched as Sun turned into Moon, and he had his sights set on the kid, who was now shaking in fear. I'm also pretty sure he wet himself.

"Naughty boy, naughty boy. You must be punished." Moon growled as he got closer.

1061 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now