16: Together Again

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Y/N's pov:

I woke up to the sound of my phone obnoxiously ringing on my nightstand.

To be honest, it was nice to hear it ring, which meant that someone wanted to talk to me. I hadn't spoken to anyone on the phone since I applied to work at the daycare.

I eagerly picked it up and answered it. "Hello?" I said, cuddling my Sun and Moon plushies. "Hi, Y/N! It's Mr. Emily. I just called to tell you that you and Link are allowed to go back to the pizzaplex," Mr. Emily's voice came through loud and clear.

"It's open again? Already?" I asked in disbelief. "Oh, no. No, I haven't been cleared to open it up again, but they said you could go back to the building," he explained. "They've fixed up Sun the best they could, but there's still some maintenance that needs to be done by the caretakers," he paused for a moment. "Which, you would now be his caretaker since you work with him,"

I nodded. "Okay, so we can move our stuff back into our dorms?" I asked. "Link can take his things back to his dorm, yes. You'll have to stay inside the daycare area in Sun's room since you'll have new tasks," Mr. Emily replied.

"Okay, I'll let Link know," I said. "Great! Oh, and one more thing before I go," he added. "Carl will be taking my place as owner of the pizzaplex,"

Exfuckingscuse me?

"I'm sorry, what?" I must've misheard.

"I said Carl will be taking my place as owner of the pizzaplex," Mr. Emily repeated.

So I heard correctly. Well, shit.

"Uh-" "I promise you're in good hands, Y/N. Carl has all the tools and skills needed to run the place. It'll be fine, I promise!" Mr. Emily assured me. "Well, I should probably go. I have to catch my flight to England," he said. "Oh, okay. Have a nice flight," I said absentmindedly. "I will, thanks. Bye!"

I immediately hung up and sat in bed as I replayed Mr. Emily's words in my head.

"Carl will be taking my place as owner of the pizzeria,"

If that was true, then I was royally fucked. Carl was scary enough on his own, but as the owner of the building I worked in, he had all sorts of advantages to do God knows what to me.

I hugged my Sun and Moon plushies tighter to myself. Mr. Emily hadn't said anything about what happened to Moon, or if he was still there. I'm glad Sun is still around, though. Hopefully, he still remembers me.

I got up out of bed to tell Link about what Mr. Emily had said with a small glimmer of hope that things would get better.

When I made it to the guest bedroom, I knocked on the door and patiently waited for it to open.

I heard shuffling and quick footsteps, and after a little bit, Link opened the door. "Oh, hey. Did you need something?" he said.

I nodded. "Yeah, Mr. Emily called and he said that we can go back to the pizzaplex," I replied. Link's eyes widened a bit. "They're already open again?" he said as he rushed around his room to grab his things. "No, they still need to finalize some things, but we're allowed back in," I said.

"Okay, I'll be ready in a bit," Link said as he grabbed his belongings.

~Smol Time Skip~

When we pulled into the parking lot of the pizzaplex, it was close to 12pm. There were still a few police cars, but aside from mine, there were two other cars. A shiny black car and a purple one.

Link and I entered the pizzaplex, taking in the bright neon lights and the giant statues of the main band. It was like my first day here, except there were no S.T.A.F.F. bots around. Not even the map bot was present.

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now