24: Above Ground 🌞/🌙

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Sun's pov:

I woke up, expecting to be my tower, surrounded by children's drawings, my calm fairy lights, and my plushie collection, safe from harm. Instead, I found myself inside the most disgusting, unclean, grimy, bug-infested charging station I have ever set foot in. Even worse, I was touching the wall. I let out a quiet squeal of disgust and tried to open the door, but it was locked. Either that or it was crusted shut with all the mire in the crevices of this thing.

I saw Moon charging peacefully next to me, and I shivered. I doubt he likes being in a place this dirty, but I can't believe he's willingly leaning against the wall. I mean, there's rust and all sorts of sludge inside of this thing, especially the corners.

"Moon?" I said, gently tapping him. He didn't respond, so I tapped him again. "Moony? Hello?" I waited a few more seconds, and he still didn't wake up. "I'm just gonna take your hat so it doesn't get dirtier," I said, knowing good and well he couldn't hear me. I quickly snatched his hat off his head and held it carefully in my hands. It was probably an odd thing to do, but I didn't want any more grime to get on it. Hopefully, I could throw this in the wash once we get out of here. Our clothes were hopeless, given the amount of damage to the fabrics. They were shredded beyond repair, and the bells had fallen off some of our limbs.

After about 15 minutes, Moon FINALLY woke up. "Moony! Finally, you're awake. We really need to get out of this thing. It is absolutely FILTHY in here, and I can't get the door open," I said. Moon looked at me skeptically. "Oh, please. As if we're not already dirty," I glared at him. "Just help me get the door open," I said, giving him back his hat.

With a roll of his eyes, Moon helped me pry the door open, and my goodness, was it stuck. Once we exited the charging station, a part of me wanted to go back in. It seemed like heaven compared to the vulgar sight of the piles of trash and debris we had stepped out into.

Moon and I continued our journey through the underground dumpster, and we began to stray farther and farther away from the trash as we came to an employee area. "Oh, look at that! We're almost out," I said hopefully. "Good. I'd like to have a little talk with whoever put us down here," Moon growled, flexing his claws. "In English, or murder?" "I think we both know the answer to that, Sun," he replied.

~Time Skip bc I need to move this shit along~

After hours of venturing through the employee section of the underground, we eventually found a ladder. "Yay! Now we can get back to the daycare,  find Y/n, and everything will be back to normal!" I said as I watched Moon climb up first. "Yeah, I just hope she didn't...quit..." Moon stopped once his head poked out from the underground, and he just stayed there. "did your battery run out already?" I asked, tapping his foot.

He shook my hand off his ankle but still didn't move. "No, my battery is fine," he said. "Well, what's the hold-up?" He didn't respond at first, but he moved up. "Why don't you come see for yourself?" he said. I climbed up, and brightness flooded my vision. 'Wow, it sure is bright up-" I stopped mid-sentence and took a good look around me.

I thought I would see the familiar dim mall, filled with neon lights and friendly S.T.A.F.F. bots, with the occasional wet floor bot, but no. I could see the sky directly above me, and walls were being torn down all around us. Construction workers operated heavy machinery, and some walked around carrying shovels, screws, hammers, and various other tools.

"No," I said to myself as I clambered up from the ground. "No, no, no. This- this can't be real..." I wiped my eyes and took another good look around. It was most definitely real.

They had torn down the pizzaplex.

"I'm sorry, Sunny," Moon said as he put a hand to my shoulder. I stared at the ground in disbelief. Why would they tear down the pizzaplex? The humans loved that place.

"What do we do now?" I asked as I sank to the ground in shock. Moon crouched beside me. "Well," he began. "We could still try to find Y/N," I looked up at him. "How? She's probably long gone by now," I said. Moon shrugged. 'We could at least try to find her address," he said. "I mean, it should still be downloaded into our systems with her guest profile," I stared at him for a moment before shrugging. "I guess we could try that," I said.

Moon took a second to go through Y/N's guest profile before finding her address. "{your address}" Moon said. "Well, that's not too far from here. At least I don't think it is,"

Moon stood up and held out a hand to help me up. "Then let's go," he said. I sighed and took his hand, and we ventured out from the construction site to find Y/N's house.

873 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now