Authors Note

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Hello! I usually do one shots, but I wanted to try to write something a little longer. This is a story where the reader, y/n, code name noir, is a member of special task force 141. I have not played any of the call of duty games as FPS games just aren't my thing, so the only thing that will be lore accurate to the games will be the members of the team and whatever I can find on their backstories.

I am also not from a military background so my knowledge on certain military terms or phrases may not be the greatest. I will do my best to be as accurate as possible throughout the series to ensure it is an enjoyable read.

I am also not a professional writer. I do this for fun. I may make mistakes here and there. Please practice kindness in critiquing my work.  Constructive criticism is always welcome. But please be kind, as I am only human. I also do work a full time job, so updates to the story may be a bit inconsistent so I apologize in advance.

This story will have smut and nsfw, as well as dark themes. I will not be putting trigger warnings above the separate chapters. I will list here kinks and dark themes I plan to include. If any of these are upsetting to you, I would suggest finding another work to enjoy.

There will be themes of violence, blood, death, mentions of depression, self harm and suicide. Kinks I know I will include, sadism/masochism, dom/sub, praise with light degradation, knife play, bondage, choking.

I hope you enjoy!

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