Chapter Four

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authors note- this chapter has smut so it'll be a long one! Enjoy!

König stared down at you, his tall frame towering over you. The door had slammed shut. You looked at him, clearly annoyed by this intrusion.

"König. You couldn't have just talked to me out there? God, you scared the shit out of me. Don't do that!" You looked up at him. He just stared down at you, a dark look in his eyes.

"Who where you with last night?" He asked, getting closer to you. His proximity caused you to back up into the wall.

You chuckle. "Oh my god. König.. I wasn't with anyone. I was alone all night. Why do you care anyways?"

He shook his head. "Y/n... I don't believe you. Was it Ghost? You've been cozy lately. Did he stay over? Is he who was making you moan early this morning?" He asked, leaning over you, his arm against the wall above you.

You blush deeply at the realization. He had heard your morning session. "Oh my god. König. First of all, what I'm doing and who I'm doing it with is none of your business. I am my own person. And second of all...König, I was alone. It wasn't Ghost, it was just me. You don't need another person to feel good.." you blushed deeper as you explained yourself.

Why where you even explaining yourself anyways? You look up at him with slight annoyance on your face. "How did you hear anyway? Were you listening in?"

You could see the look in König's eyes shift as you spoke. He seemed relieved that you were by yourself, and then embarrassed.

"Sie haben Recht, das tut mir leid.. I was walking by, I was up early and I couldn't sleep. I wasn't listening in, I just overheard you. I shouldn't have accused you Noir it's just.." he sighed, suddenly avoiding your eye contact.

You looked back up at him. You didn't understand, why he cared. He confused you. But, despite the fact that he was being oddly possessive, you didn't even mind at the moment. You weren't mad. Your heart was racing.

"It's just.... What? What is it, König?" You looked up at him expectantly. You can't look away from those beautiful eyes.

König's eyes met yours. You could read him, that mask.. always hiding himself away. "Because... you have no idea what you do to me.. Meine Liebe.."

He got closer to you, pressing himself against you, as your back was fully against the cold wall. It was a nice contrast to the heat of his body. Your head was about at his chest. You looked up at him, a deep blush on your cheeks.

You reach up and stroke his jaw with your hand, through the fabric of his mask. "Then tell me. What do I do to you König?" You knew you were playing a dangerous game. But you couldn't stop.

His hands slid down, running across the sides of your body, then finally resting on your hips. He was breathing heavily. "Close your eyes." He said, his voice soft.

You did as you were asked, closing your eyes. Your heart was beating out of your chest. You felt him get closer, his breath hot. You felt his lips connect with yours, soft and gentle at first. You were surprised, but it was a welcome surprise.

Your hand wrapped around the back of his head. You could feel that his hood was still on, he must have moved it just enough to kiss you. The kiss got heavier, his hands gripping your hips. You could feel him groan softly against your lips.

The kiss got deeper as his tongue slid between your lips, eager to get a taste. One hand roamed behind you, snaking down to your ass, gripping it in his big hand. You moaned lightly with his touch. He excited you.

He separated from the kiss, moving to kiss your neck. You felt him bite your neck, you didn't care it would leave a mark. It felt good. You moaned lightly.

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