Chapter Two

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You walked into the training center. You were still wearing all black, but your clothes were tighter and easier to move in. You approached König. You were excited for this.

"Hey König. Thanks for agreeing to train with me. I'm excited, actually. There's some stuff I really wanna work on today."

As you got a bit closer to him, you could feel his eyes looking over you. He was trying to be subtle, but he was checking you out. You didn't mind it. You actually kind of liked it. You liked the attention.

"Yeah, of course y/n. Not a problem, I'm looking forward to it as well. What are you wanting to work on?" He asked, looking down at you.

'Damn.' You thought to yourself as you looked back up to him. "I really want to work on hand to hand combat. Would you be ok with that?"

König seemed to pause before he answered. "I don't mind... but are you sure? I don't want to accidentally hurt you or anything." There was a bit of genuine concern in his voice.

You found it sweet that he cared. "See, that's exactly why! I've just been thinking.. if someone of your size had me in a compromised position.. I would be absolutely fucked unless another member of the team saves me. I'm good at getting out of tight spots, but sheer size can be pretty damn debilitating in an opponent. I want to be able to save myself." You stopped yourself from talking any more, you felt like you were rambling.

König nodded in understanding. "I understand, Noir. It's smart. We will train but please let me know if it's too much alright?" His eyes looked down at you.

You nodded up at him. "Yeah, yeah. Listen, I'm not a little girl or anything. You don't have to be carful with me. Don't worry about hurting me. I need to learn. Now.."

You got yourself into position, your arms up, fists clenched. You had a classic defensive stance. "Come at me." The biggest part of your strategy would be to not let him get a hold of you. You would do everything you could to win.

König charged at you, and you dodged out of the way last minute to attempt to throw him off balance. You tried to kick one of his legs out from under him. He staggered a little bit, but ultimately still remained standing.

'Fuck.. he's like a tank.' You thought, as you doubled back. König chuckled. He advanced forward again. You got your knife out, swinging at him. He dodged it, leaning back. "Ah, Noir. That's not fair, I don't have mine drawn."

You circle around each other. "Fair doesn't exist. Come on."

König couldn't really argue with that. He lunged forward once more. You tried to dodge, but he was too close to you. He had grabbed you from behind, turning your own knife back on yourself. You breathed heavily, your mind racing, trying to figure the best way out of this. You were squirming. His arms felt like immovable objects. Combined with the knife up to your neck, your options felt limited.

"Cmon Noir. This is why we're doing this. How do you get out?" König asked. His grip remaining tight around you. You were trying not to be distracted by his muscular body pressed against yours.

You grunted and brought one of your legs behind his. You kicked the back of his knee, hard. The pain caught him off guard enough for him to loosen his grip and you were able to sleep free. But of course, he now had her knife. She drew her second knife and kept a defensive stance.

"Guess it's a good thing I have a second one huh?"

König continues to circle around, your eyes locked on each other. You haven't payed König a ton of special attention, but something about him during this training.. you always did like a bit of manhandling. That must be it.

König ran towards you again, his long legs got him to you very quickly. He picked you up with one arm and slammed you on the ground. It caused you to lose your breath as the wind was knocked out of you. You gasped lightly for air.

König looked down at you with concern. "Noir, are you alright?"

You chuckled as you regained your breath. "You're the enemy. You're not supposed to be concerned about my well being. But yes, I'm ok." You looked into his eyes. They were so warm and caring... you tried not to blush. You needed to focus.

König nodded. Holding your knife up to your neck. "You look pretty like this.." he spoke softly, looking down at you. Now you were really blushing.

"Wow, König. You're the nicest enemy I've ever had." You winked at him. You were joking to avoid being vulnerable. You used this moment of vulnerability to push him off of you, taking him off guard.

You get on top of him and pinned him down, using your weight to keep him down. Although, he could easily push you off of him, so you held your knife up to his neck to discourage this.

"Hmmm... maybe I can win all my combat situations by making my enemies notice my overwhelming beauty." You teased him. You couldn't tell for sure but König looked embarrassed. He avoided your eye contact.

You were wondering why, when you felt something poking you. You couldn't imagine what it could be, then you realized it was him. He was excited. It made sense, you were literally on top of him. But it did make you blush deeply. The tension of the session had just ramped way up.

"Sorry.. I was just teasing you. Here. I'll get up-"

König shook his head, hands on your hips, stopping you. "No- not yet. I'm the ones who's trapped in this situation, no? I need to figure out to escape you Noir." He smiles behind that mask.

You were extremely grateful he didn't make it awkward, although his hands on your hips did drive you crazy. The two of you continued to train for the rest of the day, although the tension never went away. You went back to your room after, and you had to take a cold shower to calm down.

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