Chapter 12

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My blood boils seeing how close Harry was or calling her love and she allowed him to touch her. I lean against the wall and allow her to do her thing. It's been exactly 45 minutes her body is covered in blood which is an amazing sight to see, one of the hybrids tries to attack her from the back but I narrow my eyes in his direction and he runaway, however, Harry is still here he's special so he gets to watch the show.

The thing is about Luna, she doesn't kill her enemies she beat them till she sees blood and strips them of their power which I think they deserves death but it's her way, Harry on the other hand will die for touching her, and calling her love.

My phone goes off and I check to see who's been lighting up my phone for the past 45 mintues, and it's the boy group, the school tries to stay up to date with modern human technology so everyone has a phone to communicate:

Shawn: the fact that you all are not questioning him about why he's here seems fishy.

Mike: he said he's here to see Luna

Aron: I couldn't care less

Shamar: Oh Austin! a guy is here to see your girl better come home or, wait she's not home either.

Justin: What are you trying to do Shamar make him lose it , the guy is here with his girlfriend.

Shamar: Was worth a try*wink emoji*

Couple minutes later

Justin: If you're the one in the death zone, I'm going to kill you when you come back Austin.

Shamar: Yeah, Austin this isn't funny your energy is being sensed from here.

That's what she's doing, she wants them to know she's back, so she's been releasing her energy shit.

I remove from the wall and step in front of her to stop her from using her magic, as I stared into her eyes the bright green that was once there is gone, her eyes are dull full of sadness and pain, I hold on to her wrist and she shouts, "Let go!".

"No, if you don't stop everyone will come here, all the hunters and more."

"I'm counting on that Austin", what happened to her while she was sleeping, she looks lost.

"We are going back now and I wasn't asking Luna."

"And what if I refused?"

"Then I'll put you asleep and carry you there."

She's about to say something but I open a portal and push Harry through, she tries to fight but I'm too strong for her so she finally gives up, but I'm not letting go of her because if I do, she will get away and continue beating villains and stripping them of their power.

We go through the portal together as it leads us to the kitchen of Amaris Castle, I  finally let go of her hand, and she heads straight to the living room where Harry runs off.

She entered the living room with blood from her head to her toe, I lean against the wall to get a better look at my masterpiece as a smirk appeared on my lips Justin and the others watched in curiosity, I entered the group chat and typed.

Austin: I'm back and I brought Rapunzel back safe and sound*black heart emoji*

Shawn looked at the phone and says, "What in the world, whose blood is that, Luna?"

"His and some others, do you honestly think you can run away from me Harry", her tone is soft, but those eyes are the reason Harry is afraid.

"You promise that you'll let me go!", Harry shouted.

"That was when we were friends", she says in a calmer tone

"Please we are still friends, I know you're still the Luna I once knew."

"You betray me, Harry, you came into the Moon Keeper world and claim that your kind was suffering! I help you and you still came back and attacked my people knowing that I was asleep, killing a 7-year-old child !, murdering 4 Familiars and attempting to murder me in my sleep!, you have the nerve to say we are still friends."

"I didn't mean to, she made me do it, Luna I promise, you already took my magic what are you going to do with me", Harry ask and everyone is too shocked to speak and is focusing on the scene that it's happening in front of them, Luna turns around and laugh as she says.

"Let's, let the Familiar choose your fate after all you did kill their kind, oh and before I forget give back the familiar you stole, that's so low class".

Harry Throws Alisha her bracelet, and Sabrina collects it to examine it Luna takes out a thief and slices the palm of her hand as she speaks a spell, "Familiar come fort", every Familiar in the room comes out and kneels as she continues, "he murders your kind! kill an innocent child! and attempted to kill your Keeper what is his punishment?", the familiars raise and say, "Banishment!".

"Your guilty Harry and now you are banished, your Moon Keeper Banish you to the forbidden zone". She rubs her blood on his forehead and says "Exterminare", and just like that Harry is gone.

Everyone stares at her but the guy that's sitting in the chair with a short girl that looks really young for her age I recognize from the top students board Nia , she's from the first four schools.

"Somethings never change Luna, I'm curious where are your 4 men?", the guy asks.

4 men! I turn and narrow my eyes at Luna but she doesn't pay me any mind.

"My four bodyguards are with Queenie in the moon keeper's world ask me if they're dead or alive I could care less, I'll be back", she left, and headed upstairs, if I only go after her she's truly inn trouble.

"What on earth was that, Austin?", Shamar ask.       

"I don't know ask her", I say smiling.

"She doesn't look like herself, her eyes are dull", Tyra says while holding onto Justin hands.

"It all started 5 years ago",Carlos says.

Amaris used her magic and cleaned up the blood off the floor as Carlos tells us stories, and even showed us a vision of Luna when she was in the moon keeper world, no wonder Harry was afraid of her, her eyes were full of pain. As I sit here listening to Carlos speak the only thing, I can think of is making her let go of that pain because if she doesn't, she'll die on the blood moon night and that's not an option  she does not get to leave ever not again.

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