Two Strangers

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Chapter 1
"Hey there. You look a little lost. Do you mind if I help you up?" Light Yagami offers you a hand as you sit up. He smiled to you, as if he's forcing some sort of...false security to make you feel comfortable.

"Uh..yeah. Sure." You reach your hand out for his. You look around in confusion, realizing you're in the park, on the bench. About 2 blocks away from your house. You're not really sure how you got here, but you have the strange feeling that the cause was something...out of the ordinary. And the only other person here was him.

Light grabs your hand and pulls you up, he noticed you're confusion and he stops for a moment. "...Are you okay? It's rare to see someone as lost as you are in a public space. It just seemed a bit concerning, that's all."
Light releases your hand and stands up straight. He looks at you. He doesn't seem dangerous...but something about him doesn't feel right. You're unsure on what it is exactly.

"hmm yeah, I'm fine. I guess." Saying that last part under your breath. "I'm honestly not really sure how I got here, but I mean, it's not like i'm hurt or anything." You find yourself limiting your words around him, the vibe you're getting seeming to be one of...deceit? "What's your name again?" you ask.

Light's face softens slightly at the question. His expression seems genuine, and despite your feelings of suspicion, you have to admit he's pretty hot. "My name's Light." You tell him your own name and for some reason, a smile appears on his face at your words. But you still get that weird feeling from him, he seems like one of those guys you shouldn't trust too easy.

Returning his smile, you begin to speak. "OHHHH yeah. I do know who you are."
Light looks at bit uneasy at those words. But his 'no way' feeling is fleeting as you continue. "It's dark as shit so I couldn't really tell, but yeah we go to the same school. You're a year ahead of me. It's funny that you of all people found me here. *you laugh.* But um yeah, I live like 2 blocks away. I should probably start making my way back there. And try not to get kidnapped on the way.

He laughs softly at the last statement of your words before he begins speaking again, brushing his slightly messy hair out of his face. "Wow, you're totally right. And I don't think you have to worry about getting kidnapped. At least not by me. *He laughs.'s a little awkward.* But he seems to be genuinely trying to make you feel comfortable. Surprising even himself at that fact.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Well uh, it was nice meeting you. Hope you don't think I'm some sort of crackhead out of my mind or something. I'll just walk home.
That last sentence gave Light an idea. He'd walk her home, try to get closer to her.

He laughs quietly at the suggestion that you're a crackhead. "No of course not, you don't come across that way. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Cmon, I'll walk with you. Hopefully the kidnappers don't feel like taking us both. The both of you laugh at that. Together.

(I promise it's about to get interesting 😜)

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