The Dance

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The school bell rings and everyone begins to gather in home rooms as the new day begins. A few minutes go by before everyone begins taking their seats. Light comes into class and spots you. He smiles and waves. He seems to be smiling a bit differently today..more of a smirk really. It's...odd.
"Hey stranger." you say, and you point at the desk in front of you, gesturing for him to sit there. You watch as he strides over, your eyes never leaving his. Rhea behind you laughs. "Wowwww someone's trying their luck at seduction."
"shut. up. please." you say to her. Under your breath so no one else hears. But Light looks back, "Sorry, did you say something?" Shit. "Me? Uh no. Just thinking out loud a little bit I guess. ha.." Ok that laugh was totally not convincing enough.

But little did you know that Light had the same suspicions about you that you had about him. He believed you could be in the possession of a death note. He told his Shinigami to stay home so that if you indeed did have one, Yours wouldn't be able to see his. And plus he wanted to figure it out on his own, without Ryuk telling Light that he had saw Rhea. He'd been trying to win you over as well. Both of you would be dancing around each other. Playing detective. You were each other's number one suspects and neither of you even knew it. There was a lot you guys didn't know.

"You look really pretty, you know that? I'm not sure how I didn't notice you before last night..." You really weren't ready for that. You were supposed to be doing the flirting and making him nervous, not the other way around. You smile and laugh, thanking him for the compliment this morning.

Light's POV
She's adorable to be honest, but that's not the point. I need information. Maybe I can trick her into making a mistake. I'm smarter than she is anyway, aren't I? I try to subtly look at some of her books inside her bag to see if she keeps anything personal on her. Just in case I can use something against her one day. But I hide my intentions pretty darn well. A sly smile creeps across his face at his own arrogance.

(back to you.)
You notice him trying to get a look inside your bag, he's practically falling out of his chair because of how much he's leaning back. You picked this spot to where you could see him and his belongings, but he couldn't see yours. And he fell right for it. How smart does this guy think he is? There's no way he believes he's being discreet right now. You laugh in your head. "UH..." You say loudly, startling him and he immediately turns around in his chair to face the front completely.  "...did you need a pen or something or..." you chuckle.
"Uh no, nope, I don't. I do not need a pen. I uh-" He stops talking abruptly and quickly turns to the front again.

You smile, "No problem, I get it. I must just be a very interesting person to you, huh? It's cute." Light laughs and turns around, becoming surprisingly flustered at your flirting.
He takes a deep breath. "Oh don't flatter yourself. You're just another kid at this school. But you are pretty interesting, I'll say that." A small smile playing at his lips.

You laugh with a fake shocked look on your face. "Okay now you're letting that one year difference between us get to your head and boost your ego."
You both laugh. "But hey, what are you doing after school today? We have this test coming up and I was thinking maybe a little studying at my house?"
Rhea includes herself once again, "Oh my god look at his face. A 'study session'? That's not all you want to do, is it?" I subtly kick her as hard as possible while sitting down and she shrieks dramatically.
Light finally responding says, "Of course, I'd love to. I'm sure you need all the help you can get anyway, right?" We both laugh. But he wasn't being completely honest. He was going to use this as an opportunity to get even closer to you, to confirm or deny his suspicions once and for all.
"Great, it's a date." You say with a little laugh at that last part. You find yourself looking forward to being around him more. But Rhea reminds you, "Keep your head in the game, little one." Right. Light turns around as class begins and he seems to be paying attention. But you spend all day thinking of what you're going to do when he gets to your house. What kind of questions can you slip in to figure out if he has a death note? The it hits you.

You quickly get up and go to the bathroom, happy to see that it's empty. You talk to Rhea openly. "Rhea , wouldn't you be able to see another shinigami if it was present? Even if I couldn't?"
"Yes." Perfect. Surely Light wont enter a stranger's house without his. If he indeed does have one. Rhea will be able to see it. Your plan is perfect.

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