The Meeting

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Chapter 4
You're waiting on your doorbell to ring. A bit nervous.

Light stands at the door, anxiously. His heart is beating faster than usual, but he needs to see this through. This is the only way he can be certain. He rings the bell and waits impatiently for you to open the door. His mind is racing. What if she has a death note? What if she somehow figured out I have one? The questions cloud his mind like some sort of storm.

You stand up, walking to your door. But not yet opening it. "Rhea, you just tap my shoulder if you see it, K?" She nods. You place your hand on the doorknob, twisting it open. "Hey, you made it! Come in." He smiles, returning your greeting. You quickly introduce him to your mom and explain that he'll be studying up in your room with you. He's very respectful and your mom appreciates it. You haven't felt the tap on your shoulder and this confused you. You were sure he had something to do with it but now you're back to square one. You begin taking him upstairs and then it happens. You stop dead in your tracks.

You felt it. Two skinny fingers quickly jabbing at your right shoulder. Even though you knew it was Rhea, it scared you. The way it was silent. The thought of another gigantic flying demon in your house. One that was under the control of someone else.

I begin to panic. But before I can really process it, he interrupts my thoughts. "Hey, you ok?" You're fine. act natural.
"Yeah yeah i'm good." You say with a little laugh. "Can I use your bathroom before we start?" "Yeah sure. It's right over there." Light enters the bathroom and you speed to your bedroom. Accidentally slamming the door. Earning you a loud "HEYYYYYY" from your mother. But you basically didn't even hear her. Oh my god, You thought. If Rhea saw his then that means that his saw Rhea as well. You were right. But now Light knows that you have a death note. You could hear him mumbling to his shinigami through the walls.

Rhea speaks to you, "His shinigami looks absolutely fuckin bonkers" You were still a bit too in shock to joke with her. Would he come out and confront me? Or would we continue to dance around the big question. Or should I say 'statement'. It wasn't a question anymore. I just needed to decide how to proceed. Your thoughts swirled around at 100 miles per house in your head. But once again, Light walked in before you could finish thinking.

You looked at each other for a moment, no one saying anything. The tension was like a knife being held at your neck, waiting to push through your skin. That's when he began talking about you getting your books out to study. I guess the fat flying monster wasn't enough for him...

So you flicked the tv on the background noise and the two of you sat on your bed, papers sprawled about. You threw questions in there that might get him to reveal himself further. "So, what do you think about that criminal dropping dead in the middle of his crime a few days ago? It's crazy, right? How luck for that woman."

Light nods his head at the mention of the events, taking a moment to respond. "Yeah...I heard about that. It was pretty crazy. I wonder how he managed to die that way." The tone with which he said that didn't sound like it was a mystery to him. Why was he toying with you? He's playing dumb, for what?

You continue the topic, pushing your luck a bit. "I mean, to be honest, I don't feel bad for him. He kinda deserved it. You do bad things, you deserve bad consequences, right?" You say this based on the idea that maybe Light was some sort of vigilante. Killing only criminals. Trying to get some sort of reaction from him. And you do.

His face changes for a moment, and he looks at you. He really looks at you. As if for the first time, like he could see right to your soul. But just as fast as it came, it leaves and he stands up. He walked over to your desk, assuming to remove the tension, and begins messing around with a a cup that held pens and pencils. He begins to respond to your words.

"Do I deserve bad consequences as well?" He utters the question with a smile on his face, but his expression seems cold at the same time. He's clearly now referring to using the death note. His change in tone reminding you that he tried to fucking murder you. What were you thinking? Inviting him to your house?

His bag was still on the bed. That's where you're assuming his death note is. Then you realized he was by your desk drawer. One swift movement and he could see your death note sitting right there. I really need a better hiding place for that thing. But there no way he knows that it's in there. You just have to stay. calm.

"No, Light. Of course not. I mean, it's not like you're running around abusing women, right?" You say with an added chuckle, your eyes parting from his temporarily to see where his hands were.

"Abusing women? Jesus that's what you think of me?" He laughs, leaving a sinister smirk on his face. This entire situation is extremely risky. Light's playing mind games and you've just about had enough. He reaches for the drawer of your desk.

(Kind of a long chapter for me but i'm loving the tension 😜 it is killing me how i'm pretending to leave authors notes when i have 0 reads 😜😜)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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