scotts lies

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She knew this is why she didn't want to get involved.

She knew Scott and Stiles would conjure up some dumb plan that would end up getting everyone killed. Then again, this all could have been avoided if she chose to not have a heart and worry about why Stiles was at the school at eight o'clock at night.

That's the last time she'll even try and be nice.

A single glance in his direction, her and Stiles locked eyes, one look let her know all that was needed.

She would definitely be getting in trouble with her father.

The group of seven ran into a random classroom. Lydia and Allison were frantic, on the verge of tears while the boys stacked chairs up against the door.

"What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison's quivering voice repeatedly asked.

Lydia's eyes were wide as she looked around the room, "What came out of the ceiling?"

Ryder was a bit scared too, not showing it on her face, knowing it wouldn't make anything better if she just cried about it.

"Guys - Can we just wait a second? You guys, listen to me, w - Can we wait a second? Guys? Stiles talking. Can we hang on one second, please?"

Her attention snapped to Stiles, the Stilinski trying his hardest to gather everyone's attention. She could only then drown out the sound of his voice as she thought over the dumbass that chose this room.

"Hello! Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now - what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?" Stiles rambled.

"Oh, God." Austin groaned, feeling his pockets for his phone, only to quickly realize he left it in his car. He definitely wasn't thinking that they'd be getting chased down by whatever beast Scott and Stiles called upon.

"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why. Scott?" Allison rambled, looking to her boyfriend for some sort of answer. He could only look away from her, letting Stiles speak up,

"Somebody killed the janitor."

"Oh, wow."

Lydia squeaks, "What?"

Stiles nods, shrugging loosely, "Yeah, the janitor's dead."

Ryder inhales sharply, walking around the classroom to sit on a desk. Her rather calm demeanor was slightly scaring Austin, even though he wasn't sure how she responded to life threatening situations, he didn't think it was like this.

Allison, once again, turns to Scott for confirmation, "What's he talking about? Is this a joke?"

"What, who killed him?" Jackson asks, simply not believing anything coming out of the teens mouth.

Lydia begins to cry, "No, no, no, no. This was supposed to be over. The mountain lion killed—"

"There was never a mountain lion, Lydia." Austin soft voice cut through. He figured it be best if he reassured the girl, quickly picking up on how Jackson didn't really care about her. He got that much from how he allowed her to fall behind while they were running here.

"Who was it? What does he want? What's happening?" The continuous questions that she knew couldn't be answered were giving Ryder a headache. "Scott!"

"I - I don't know. I - I just - If - if we go out there, he's gonna kill us." The McCall concluded.

Austin frowned, us? who's us?

Lydia seemed to have the same thought, "Us? He's gonna kill us?"

Allison, ever the curious person, spoke up again, much to Ryder's annoyance, "Who? Who is it?"

Scott spared a glance to the girl sat on the desk. He could see Stiles shaking his head from the corner of his eye, a silent way of telling him not to do it. The two had heard the story of why Ryder wasn't a fan of Derek and the two didn't know if this lie would make things worse.

"It's Derek. It's Derek Hale."

Austin, who stood next to the girl, felt her stiffen up. He knew that Ryder didn't like Derek, he had yet to know why. Brushing his hand against her leg, he could feel her relax a bit, yet her angered stare was focused of Scott.

Jackson scrunched up his face, "Derek killed the janitor?"

"Are you sure?"

Scott nodded, seemingly sticking to the obvious lie, "I saw him."

Ryder scoffed, catching Stiles' attention, he sent the girl a sympathetic look, while simultaneously pleading that she'd keep quiet.

"The mountain li—"

Scott cut the strawberry blonde off, "No, Derek killed them."

"All of them?"

"Yeah, starting with his own sister."

Allison kept pushing it, "The bus driver?"

"And the guy in the video store - it's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us. And if we don't get out now - He's going to kill us too."

"Wow." Ryder snorted out.

The oblivious three thought this was out of shock of the situation. But the Miller girl was definitely appalled with how far Scott was taking this lie. She didn't want to be upset, hell she couldn't stand Derek Hale. But that didn't mean it was okay for him to lie on someone's name, possibly ruining their life.

Austin could sense how upset she was, turning to face her, standing in between her legs as he looked into her eyes.

"He's lying." She whispered, her words catching Scott's attention, yet her words fell silent to everyone else's ears.

Austin nods, "I figured. But they believe him. And you have to keep in mind that maybe he's doing it because he doesn't want them to know that he's a creature of the night."

His odd description of Scott's supernatural being, had her holding back a smile.

"That doesn't mean it's right." She concluded, ending the conversation there.

"Call the cops." Jackson demanded.

Stiles shook his head, "No"

"Wh - what do you mean 'No'?"

"I mean no. You wanna hear it in spanish? No." The Stilinski snapped, "Look, Derek killed three people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with."

"Your dad is armed with an entire sheriff's department. Call him."

"Guys—" Austin tried, sensing the tension that formed between the two.

"I'm calling." Lydia said, pulling her cellular device from her pocket.

Stiles began to plead with the girl, "No, Lydia, would you just hold on a sec—"

"Yes, we're at Beacon Hills high school. We're trapped, and we need you to - but - She hung up on me."

Allison gasps, "The police hung up on you?"

"She said they got a tip warning them that there are gonna be prank calls about a break - in at the high school. She said if I called again that they're gonna trace it and have me arrested." The Martin girl explains.

"Okay, then call again." Allison demanded, earning an eye roll from the pair against the tables.

"No, they won't trace a cell and they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here."

Ryder had heard enough.

She was tired, she was mad, and the last thing she wanted to was to be at school of all place at nine pm, surrounded by people she couldn't stand.

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