dress shopping

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Ryder was freaking out.

Her heart was practically exploding out of her chest.

It had been about two days since Austin had asked her to be his date to the winter formal. And unfortunately enough, it was the night of the formal. Ryder hadn't had the chance to even think about buying a dress for the dance. She could've went the day after Austin asked her, but she was too scared and embarrassed to go to the mall on her own.

So, after a long conversation with her mother and sister, the three of them would be going to purchase a dress after school.

For now, she had to focus on what was going on for school.

As she walked down the hall, she couldn't help but pause in her steps at the sight of Scott and Stiles lurking around the corner. One look behind them helped her to realize that they were spying on Jackson and Allison.

"What are you guys doing?"

The teens nearly jump fifty feet into the air at her sudden appearance.

"Hey, Ryder!" Stiles smiles at the girl, suddenly ignoring Scott. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine, Stiles." She boredly responded, "How have you been?"

"I've been okay, you know, livin' life. Stalking my best friends ex has become my favorite past time."

"I figured." She nodded, glancing away from him and towards where Allison stood, "I'm assuming they're going to the dance together?"

"Only as friends!" Scott nearly shouted.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll still be there." Stiles said, patting his hand on his friends shoulder.

Scott watched Allison and Jackson walk away together, "I'm still going."

"Is that such a good idea?" Stiles wondered out loud,

Ryder remembered hearing that Scott was banned from going to the dance, so you can imagine her confusion at his words, "Do you even have a date?"

Scott shook his head in her direction, "Not yet. Unless.."


"Okay." Scott whispered, his head lowering at her blunt rejection.

"Do you have a suit?" The Stilinski asked, adjusting his stance, so he's stood unnoticeably closer to the only girl in the conversation.

"Not yet." The McCall repeated.

"Do you have a ticket to the formal? A ride there?"

"No. And no."

"So, how are you going to get there?" Ryder asked, brushing her hair from her face, unaware of the way Stiles' eyes followed the action.

"I have my bike."

"So you're gonna ride your bike to a dance that you're not even allowed to go to, without a date, a suit, or a way in with werewolves and werewolf hunters all out to kick your little werewolf ass." Stiles said.

"Yeah." Scott nodded, "You two gonna help me?"

"Hell, yeah."

"Hell, no."


"What's wrong, Ry?" Josie asked her older sister as they, along with their mother, browsed the rack full of dresses.

"Nothings wrong." She tried, quickly correcting her words once she feels a nudge from her mother, "I'm nervous."

Romona sighs, yet she struggled to hold back her smile. Brushing her daughters hair away from her face, she pulled away to hold up a dress.

Ryder shook her head, "Put it in the maybe pile."

Josie grumbled to herself as yet another, dress was added to the stack of clothing in her arms.

"Let's try over there." Ryder pointed, the other two woman following behind her.

"Oh, my God!" Josie suddenly gasped, "Is that Stiles?!"

They could see the teen turn at the sound of his name, wondering who could possibly be calling out for him.

His brown eyes widen at the sight of the girls that were now in front of him.

He was startled when Romona pulled him into a hug, he didn't reject it. It had been quite a while since he had seen either of them.

It didn't take long before he was pulled into Josie's arms either, the younger teen wasted no time in dropping the dresses to hug him.

"Hey, guys." He awkwardly greeted, he didn't really know how to speak to people he hadn't spoken to in years.

Thankfully, he was saved by Lydia coming back with more dresses. He had gave himself a break from the other twenty, placing them on the bench nearby.

"Oh, hey Ryder." Lydia stated, smiling sweetly in Romona's direction, unaware of the glare she was getting from Josie.

Ryder doesn't respond, only adding on to the tension in the room. Stiles, sensing she wanted to be anywhere but here, picked up a dress and handed to her,

"You would look beautiful in this, Ry."

Taking the blue dress from his hands, she couldn't help the racing of her heart at the compliment. She didn't bring up how the color instantly reminded her of Austin's blue eyes, but Lydia got the idea.

"You're going to the winter formal? With the new kid, right?"

"His name is Austin."

Josie's brows raise at her sisters sharp tone. She was aware of her dislike for Lydia, but she didn't think she'd be so blunt with their mother around.

Though, it seemed like Romona could care less, as her brown eyes snapped in the opposite direction.


"That's not your color." Allison Argent was startled at the sudden words, "Sorry if that was intrusive, but—considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter."

Allison glanced nervously at the man next to her, "Because I'm pale?"

"Fair." He corrects, "I mean, you can't call skin like yours pale. Not skin that perfect."


"Trust me, I - I have a unique perspective on the subject. Do you mind? See? Much better. You're not here alone, are you? Shopping for dresses - with friends. High school dance."

Allison shakes her head, "Formal."

A soft hand on her shoulder scares the youngest Argent, forcing a gasp from her lips before she turns and notices
a beautiful woman in front of her. She doesn't say anything to her, simply pointing in the direction where Ryder stood uncomfortably next to Lydia and Stiles.

Allison could only assume that this was the Miller girls mother. Before she could thank her, an announcement is being made.

"Attention shoppers. To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate—"

Allison's eyes widen, "Did she just say a blue Mazda?"

"—5768. Your car is being towed—"

"Oh! That's my car."

The long haired girl rushes past the adults, shouting to her friend that she'd be back, Lydia giving her a thumbs up before parting ways from Ryder and Josie, Stiles following quickly behind her.

"Romona Miller." Peter smiles sadistically, "How nice it is to see you again."

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