empty promises

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If you asked Romona exactly what she had in mind when she decided to take a visit to Derek Hale's house, she wouldn't really know what to tell you.

But after hearing a very detailed explanation from Austin and Ryder about how they were practically attacked by an enormous lizard after they tried to support Stiles in getting his beloved jeep fixed, she took no time in running to his not so hidden establishment.

She had a huge feeling that Derek had something to do with this. Ryder had brought up that even if it wasn't Derek's fault, it was still somehow Derek's fault that there was a lizard roaming aimlessly around Beacon Hills.

Not only was he not as discreet as he thought he was with where he was training his beta's, but she probably could have still found it without her senses.

As she walked in, she witnessed a curly haired teen get tossed to the ground, his body falling limping by her feet.

She wanted to be shocked, but leave it to Derek Hale to toss teenage boys around.

She recognized this one to be Isaac Lahey. Ryder had given the woman a information on every single one of Derek's new betas. Which allowed the married woman to catch on that he went to the most vulnerable teens in Beacon Hills and turned them into werewolves.

While Romona herself, was an alpha werewolf, she wouldn't bite someone unless it was deemed absolutely necessary and they had a good reason as to why. For example, if that person was on the brink of death and they wanted to live, she would consider biting them if it were the last option.

But who was she to judge Derek on who he chose to incorporate into his pack?

"What are you doing here?"

Her eyes moved from the teen on the ground, to the man who was at fault.

"Can I ask why my daughter and her friends were attacked at a car garage?"

"You're Ryder's mom?"

She ignored Isaac's question, but she could hear his heart race at the fact. She couldn't bother herself to find out why, but she had an idea.

"What were your daughter and her friends doing at a car garage?"

Romona shrugged sarcastically, her walking around the room, feeling everyone's eyes on her as she did, "Maybe it had something to do with the minor that just tried to jump your bones not too long ago. She's barely sixteen, Derek. You're pushing thirty."

Erica's head dipped, suddenly feeling everything but the confidence that she was feeling the last few days.

"I'm teaching, Romona." Derek tried to brush the older woman off, but he knew he couldn't. She was his mothers best friend, whether she be dead or not. He still saw her as the woman that was there when he first turned. He couldn't be mean to her if he tried.

"You are causing problems, Derek."

Isaac and Erica shared a glance, the two betas standing up to go sit on the stairs near Boyd.

"Ryder has a suspicion that the lizard that is attacking people, the one that killed that boys father—" She pointed to Isaac, "—Is someone that you bit. An experiment gone wrong, is that it?"

"Everyone I bit is fine." Derek said through clenched teeth. He didn't like that the woman, who wouldn't even mutter a word a few weeks ago, was telling him off in front of his pack. Even if he wanted to fight her, he knew that he wouldn't win. Romona held much more power than he did.

"What about that Jackson Whittemore? Lydia Martin?—"

He quickly cuts her off, "I didn't bite Lydia. Your ex boyfriend did."

"Someone still did. You need to figure it out, because the last thing I feel like doing, is getting my family involved in something that could have been avoided."

"Ryder's already involved." Derek pointed out, "Same with her little boyfriend. She's a werewolf now, she can fully turn, she has no choice but to be involved. And you know where ever she goes, he's not too far behind."

Romona glared at the taller man, Derek struggled to keep eye contact. He wanted nothing more than to glance away and apologize, but he wouldn't let himself to look weak in front of his betas.

"You get it fixed, or I will not hesitate to allow you an early visit to your uncle."

With that, the woman was walking away.

He didn't want to be scared, from a young age, Derek knew that Romona was one of the few who didn't condone killing.

But he was also aware that she wasn't one to give out empty promises.


"I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this. Uh, I know, because I love you. I love you more than—"

"Once again, i have got to stop catching you guys in these situations." Austin spoke on, walking down the stairs that Scott and Stiles just so happened to be sitting on.

The Stilinski sighs, "We're not—I can't - You and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate."

"Oh, this is about Allison."

"Come on, you're the only one that we can trust." Scott said, his eyes then traveling to the George teen who raised a brow in his direction, "Do you—?"

"No, thanks." Austin declined, walking away from the two, "I have my own relationship to worry about. Do either of you know where Ry is?"

"No clue!"

"Is she coming to the game tonight?"

"Yes! Okay, message complete. Now, tell me about your boss?"

"He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book." Scott explained.

Stiles nodded, seemingly understand what was being said, "He probably means a bestiary."

"What?" Scott snorts.

"A bestiary."

"I think you mean bestiality."

"Nope, pretty sure I don't."


Their heads snap in the direction of the disgusted voice.

"I don't even want to know what goes through your guys' heads." Ryder said, "Have either of you seen Austin?"

"He went that way." Scott pointed, but before the girl could leave, he asked her to sit.

"Anyways, It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures."

Scott frowned, "How am I the only one who doesn't know anything about this stuff."

"Because you're an idiot who turned into a werewolf and didn't think to do any research after."

"Okay, you're my best friend, you're a creature of the night, it's kind of like a priority of mine."

"Can I go?"

"We need your help." Scott said, "Okay? If we can find it, and it can tell us what this thing is—"

"And who."

"I think I already know who—" Ryder tried.

The girl was cut off, her lips pursing before she decided to just keep quiet, "We need that book!"


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