04|the training method of a genius

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Coach Washijo's question was one that Kobayashi Aotori had never received before.

In the eyes of the team members in the original world, every aspect of the strong Kobayashi Aotori is very powerful, so they did not make too many expressions. No matter how outstanding, how amazing every service is for others.

But maybe it is the blessing of the 'two-dimensional' and the benefits of this healthy body. At least now, Kobayashi Aotori can clearly feel that his eyesight, spirit, physical strength and responsiveness are stronger than those in his previous life.
In sports, having a good body is a big determining factor in the game.

He stood where he was, and raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, but for a moment he couldn't figure out the real meaning of this cold-faced old man.

What ... 'Kind of service'?

Do you think I served an ordinary ball?

Do you want me to serve a more technical ball next time?

Still, demanded to do jump serve?

His expression was slightly gloomy.
But there is no way, I am such an ordinary existence, I can't accurately grasp the situation, I don't know the situation to serve every type of technique, and to do different moves on blocking.

So, everyone saw that Kobayashi Aotori, who had just sent an earth-shattering shot, suddenly pulled the corners of his mouth, showing an expression that wasn't exactly a smile: "My ability is limited, so I can only make this level of shots every time."


Limited ability?

Only this level?

Every time?

Everyone's faces turned dark. Although they couldn't serve such a ball, and they had already experienced Kobayashi Aotori's arrogance and mocking ability before, this speech was too irritating, right?!

Is this insinuating that they can't even make an 'ordinary' service?!

Coach Washijo's expression was also stagnant, he squinted his eyes, glanced at Kobayashi Aotori, and exhaled a breath of foul air the next moment:
"...I don't care what your temper is, Shiratorizawa only needs strong people."

"Your strength in middle school is indeed enough, but! Shiratorizawa doesn't need people who don't try their best! I don't care what kind of impromptu decision you make on the field, whether you are a genius or a fool, I only want the final result!!"

With a ferocious expression and a bad tone, Kobayashi Aotori saw Semi Eita subconsciously shrinking his neck.

Ah... as for the stern coach with a bad temper, that was the coach of the badminton club in the previous life, right? I was scolded miserably when I didn't receive the ball, but when in the end I lost the game, the coach suddenly show a strange calmness, and then quickly change the coaching method in the next training. The effect is quite obvious, at least fewer people have withdrawn from the club compared to before.

Kobayashi Aotori blatantly keeps walking. Noticing that Coach Washijo's face was getting darker, Tendo Satori, who was on the opposite side of the net, blinked and winked at Eita Semi, who was next to Kobayashi Aotori.

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