18|interhigh preliminary

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In this summer when young girls and boys are full of energy, the IH preliminaries have quietly arrived.

In the two-story building, Kobayashi Aotori, who had changed into home clothes, straightened up slightly and drew a circle on the calendar on the table for tomorrow, June 2nd, the day when the IH qualifiers would begin
--coming soon!
Inter High!
Inside the Miyagi Prefecture Volleyball Stadium

In the bustling crowd, all kinds of high school students are wearing the exclusive uniforms of different schools, and a figure in regular clothes is particularly eye-catching——

The young man's mid-length dark blue hair was tied into a ponytail. He wore a white baseball cap on his head, a black sleeveless T-shirt on his upper body, white cropped shorts on his lower body, and a pair of black ordinary sneakers on his feet.

But what he is carrying in his hands...are they Shiratorizawa Academy's uniforms and sportswear...?

His brown eyes lazily scanned various players, seemingly looking for something. That handsome face that stands out makes people unable to look away.

Such a handsome figure attracted a crowd.

The passing volleyball players inexplicably felt that his face was familiar. They should have seen it somewhere... but they couldn't remember it for a while... Where did he come from?

Confused, he patted the shoulder of the team member next to him: "Hey, do you know what his name is what's wrong with you?"

He looked at his teammates who were staring at the backs of the said person in confusion and were completely dumbfounded.

He held the opponent's shoulders with both hands and shook them vigorously: "Hey! Hey! That's too much of a reaction! Isn't he just a Shiratorizawa player?"

"?! Don't lose your soul!”

"Sober up! There will be a match soon! At most, I will accompany you to find a contact person..."

"Yes, it's him! It's him!!" The teammate suddenly shouted, which shocked the boy.

He looked at the shocked teammate blankly, "Wha, what...who is it...?"

"He, that man is," he said intermittently, and finally said loudly: "That's Kobayashi Aotori!!"



The boy's pupils were dazzled, and the next moment he shrank suddenly, taking a few steps back, and exclaimed in surprise: "It turns out to be Kobayashi Aotori! That's why he looks so familiar to me!"

"That's the Kobayashi Aotori who gave up his spot to enter the national competition and ended up becoming more famous than the real champion?!"

"Yes... because based on his strength, everyone thinks that he should be the real champion!"

"Hiss - such a scary guy... I stared at him for so long... I won't be put in a sack, right...?"

"May god always protect you."

"Wuwuwu... Shiratorizawa is indeed more invincible this year..."
Kobayashi Aotori felt the commotion behind him, and he was confused but it didn't show on his face. He had no idea how much trouble he had caused. His name was already forgotten and no longer as famous as before the start of school.

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