23|team bonding or beating

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Saying goodbye to everyone in Karasuno and Tomoko Ito who went to their seat, he and everyone in Shiratorizawa came to the competition venue. Tendou beside him suddenly moved closer, his big eyes narrowed into a slit:
"Oh~ Aotori-chan and Karasuno's relationship is really good. As a senior, I'm a little jealous!"

No, please don't be.

Kobayashi Aotori rejected Tendo's request for a hug and pushed him aside mercilessly, "Just ordinary friends, Tendo-senpai."

Goshiki beside him subconsciously glanced at the audience seat opposite, and suddenly saw the group of people diagonally above the Shiratorizawa support group.

Those people...are they from Karasuno?
A team recognized by Aotori? 
But didn’t they lose to Aoba Johsai?
He frowned slightly, seeming a little puzzled by Kobayashi Aotori's behaviour. But due to the pressure from the other party, he swallowed it silently.

He didn't know when he began to subtly treat Kobayashi Aotori like a senior. Perhaps the seeds were planted when they met for the first time and smashed the ball into his ear. They took root and sprouted in repeated training together. Now it has become instinctive.

"Hmph..." Tendo hummed pretentiously and was about to say something more. Ushijima Wakatoshi silently picked up the volleyball, "It's time to warm up."

Kobayashi Aotori breathed a sigh of relief. Tendou was just like the clingy and clingy girlfriend described by his friends in his previous life.
Ushiwaka, please, can you let Tendou train more so that he doesn't keep coming to harm me?

Ushijima Wakatoshi suddenly felt a chill in his back as he struck out a thunderous blow.

"Aotori... come here." Seeing that Kobayashi Aotori was trying to warm up alone again, Semi Eita took the initiative to call, looking at Kobayashi Aotori seriously, with a hint of helplessness that was hard to detect.

Every time he warms up, Aotori will take the initiative to stay away from everyone and do some simple movements alone... Is this guy too independent, or does he not want to be with us at all?

He is a little serious in his heart. If it is the latter, he needs to correct it.
After all, they are a team no matter what, and volleyball——
It is not a one-person game.

Kobayashi Aotori, who was stopped, turned around in confusion and saw the opponent holding the ball in his hand with a serious look on his face.

What's going on?
If I join in, won't that delay others? 
Besides, I have been warming up alone all this time.
……Could it be that?
Is Semi Eita so serious because he is dissatisfied with my strength and plans to beat me before the game?!

He was shocked inside but didn't show it on his face. He walked over with a heavy step, took a deep breath, and stood still in front of Semi Eita.

Semi Eita looked at Kobayashi Aotori and did not show any obvious dislike, but his expression was slightly resistant, so he relaxed slightly, bowed slightly, and decided to use all his strength to toss a beautiful set.

——At least Kobayashi Aotori must understand that even if he is as strong as a monster, the seniors of Shiratorizawa are not vegetarians! 
They are all reliable partners!
Feeling Semi Eita's cold aura, Kobayashi Aotori swallowed without leaving a trace, as he was about to hit himself hard.
Never let the ball go! Even if I'm weak, I still have to smash the ball a little more beautifully with all my strength!

So, even though it was just a warm-up, both of them performed the goal as seriously as if it were the match point.

The momentum was so overwhelming that not only the teammates around them but also the people on the opposite side of Aoba Johsai looked sideways.

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