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"Finally arrived", Kai let his travel duffel bag fall to the ground and waled straight to the window. "The sea is like two centimeters away!"

"You are so theatrical, I swear to god", Yeonjun walked towards the window too.

Heejin raised her eyebrows towards the baggage on the floor but walked right through it and to the bedrooms. There were seven bedrooms, all accommodated to host two people in each. She thought she'd have a nice sleep during the break, but Beomgyu came right after her and breathed on her neck from behind.

"Wanna share a bed, noona?", his low voice made the hairs in her arms stand up, and she heaved a shallow breath in.

"Oh my god! Who is making noona horny?!", they both could hear from the living room, Soobin crying out.

Beomgyu giggled and circled her from behind, his chest pressed to her back and his chin laying on top of her shoulder.

"Glad to know I have this effect on you", he commented.

"Shut up, or..."

"Or...?", his tone was low again, almost like a growl and Heejin had to remind herself that Huening Kai was still underage –seventeen years old–, and that she had promised herself that that part of their relationship would come when they all were adults and all could go through it together.

"Or I'll kick your balls, you horny kid", Yeonjun's voice came to Heejin's rescue and she smiled.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes towards the eldest and walked down the hallway, just as Taehyun and Huening Kai were fighting over one of the bedrooms with ocean view.

"Seems like you're every day less likely to follow through with the whole 'let's wait for Huening Kai before having sex' idea, aren't you?"

"Beomgyu is a very insistent human being", she replied, entering the bedroom and placing her suitcase on the desk. "And the idea was meant to be a responsible choice; make sure we are all in with this".

"Oh, we are", he replied. "You seem to look at us as if we were kids, and you fail to recognize that we are all almost the same age".

"He's still seventeen", she replied.

"There's kids going at it way earlier than seventeen".

"Yeah", she nodded. "But we're doing this the mature and responsible way", he nodded too and kissed her forehead.

"Whatever our queen says", he replied. Heejin's cheeks burned red and she felt those butterflies all around her. Yeonjun had quite a way with his words, and his looks were only an addition to his whole addictive self.

He smiled and then left her alone at her bedroom. She could feel Beomgyu's soft caress through the bond, and she very much wanted to punch him. He just made her feel this certain way that had her wanting more and more every time he showed her affection. Like falling into the rabbit hole and waking up in the Wonderland of Beomgyu's love. He was addicting, too, and whenever he slipped through the bond it always made Heejin feel like he was there, in the room with her, touching her skin and caressing her soul.

"Noona, we're going to the beach, wanna come?", she turned around at the sound of Taehyun's voice.

"Did you guys settle your bedroom assignment?", she smiled teasingly when Taehyun rolled his eyes. "Oh, so Kai got it his way?"

"Well, you know he's a baby", Taehyun's shoulder was pressed on the doorway. "So yeah, as always he got it his way".

"Was it settled through coin tossing, wasn't it?"


"But you know how to make magic! You could've easily tricked him", she tilted her head and then dived in to find one of the bathing suits she had bought last week.

"Yeah, well. He would've had this awful pout plastered on his lips the whole trip so I saved us from that. Oh, this one is very pretty".

"Beomgyu chose it", it showed way too much cleavage.

"Yeah, I could tell", Taehyun giggled. "Whatever you wear, it's still gonna look pretty because it's you who's wearing it", he pressed his lips together and then pecked her cheek. "So wear whatever you're comfortable with, we're all gonna love it either way".

"You're smooth".

"I know!", he cheered and then left her to change.

She looked at her old swimwear and then at the bikini Beomgyu had picked. The old one was a boring navy blue one-piece, that was very comfortable but not very appealing to the eye. She'd been wearing that for ages, since she didn't really have any money before to buy a new one and also due to the fact that her confidence levels when she didn't have her soulmates around were near the floor.

Then, the bikini. It was also navy colored but it had some speckles of turquoise and white, as if pain had been splattered on it. The cleavage was more revealing than what she was used to wear, but it was overall very comfortable to wear. And she felt pretty in it, even when she had a little panic her boobs would suddenly jump out of it.

She smiled. If they'd been teasing her, who said she couldn't tease them back?

Walking down the hallway felt like forever after changing, but once she met all her boys waiting for her and ready to jump into the ocean, the look on their faces was all it took to shake the fears away.

"I knew you'd look fire on it", Beomgyu commented. "You guys are all welcome".

"Thank you", Soobin mumbled before trying to open the door next to him but failing because his eyes wouldn't leave Heejin's form. He gulped. "You look amazing, noona".

"Smoking hot is the term I would use", Yeonjun winked towards her and then opened the door. "Now let's go, before Soobin faints again".

"That was a low blow, hyung", Soobin's cheeks went completely red. "But I would definitely faint if I watched Heejin for a second more", he refused to look her way.

She just giggled. This was going to be some fun weeks.

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