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The pitter platter of tiny feet running around and the adorable baby giggles melted Heejin on a daily basis.

Since they were a family with, literally, six parents, they all worked as little as they could, and turned all their time and love towards their babies.

The first to come was Dongkyu. To formalize their union, all of them had adopted the last name "Choi". But conceiving their first son was difficult.

Heejin had two miscarriages before successfully getting through the first trimester of her pregnancy. The soul doctor had said it was because of all of the bonds pushing and tugging inside and all around Heejin, that the first couple pregnancies that were interrupted were due to fetal stress. On their souls.

Heejin had fallen into a bit of a depression episode after being told that. Of course, it wasn't her fault. It was no one's fault; soul groups were not a common thing at all, and discoveries about the soul interactions were still being made on a daily basis. But she couldn't shake the feeling it was her fault. That she wasn't strong enough to bring a baby to the world; that she couldn't protect them from the world, and neither could she protect the baby from herself.

After a year of not even touching on the subject, Beomgyu exploded at dinner. Quite literally, he was just exhausted they weren't discussing life as a family; as parents.

"I can't take this anymore", he forcefully placed his fork on the table. The small talk everyone was having with each other died rapidly.

Taehyun placed his hand on top of Beomgyu's, but not even that –an action that always worked to calm Beomgyu's agitated state– was enough.

"I want to be a dad. I need to be a dad", his eyes glossed over. "I have been wanting a kid ever since Kai finished his military service, and since then it's been three years. We're going to be thirty soon, and my heart aches for a kid; I have been praying for a baby, and I am an atheist, for fucks sake", he smiled sadly. "I know we decided not to press on the matter, but it almost feels as if we've forgotten we want to be parents. Have we? Did we all silently agree to just not try anymore? Because I wasn't informed, and this pain swirls inside every single time I envision myself being a dad".

"Gyu...", Heejin sighed.

"I'm sorry. I realize it sounds selfish, and I don't even know what your thoughts are in this. But that's because we don't talk about it; we haven't talked about it since we lost the second baby. And I can't not talk about it anymore. I need to know where we all stand on this, because now knowing is killing me".

Due to medical advances, they could mix all of the guys' DNA for the sperm, and after a successful IVF, Heejin was confirmed pregnant. The first five months of this pregnancy Heejin was taken care of by her husbands. They always made sure to be by her side, to get anything they needed, and to pamper her with love.

And when Dongkyu was born, their whole world changed. They knew a kind of happiness they never could imagine existed, and with every second that passed, their hearts longed for a bigger family, for more little kids bringing happiness and joy.

So after Dongkyu's first birthday, they started the process to get pregnant again. They went through the same procedures, and sooner than later, Heejin was pregnant again. With twins.

Minho and Hanhee were born nine months later, and their family felt, after some very difficult years, full.

Until Heejin fell pregnant again –not by IVF, but by accident– giving birth to their last baby, Song, whose biological dad was very clearly Soobin, by those eyes and dimples perfectly placed to mirror his. But they all loved her as they loved their other three kids. At the end of the day, the fact that Soobin was the biological father was nothing they gave much importance to.

So now, with Taehyun and Kai running behind the twins to get them to bath time, while Dongkyu giggled at their antics and Heejin smiled while feeding Song, life was perfect.

Life was good. Life was all she could've ever imagined it to be, and more. So, so much more.

"Appa is home!", Yeonjun took of his shoes and ran towards Dongkyu, who greeted one of his dads with a big hug and a gentle snuggle on his legs. "I missed you, little one", he picked his son up, and kissed his chubby cheeks. "Have Dad and Daddy behaved?"

"They're trying to get Minho and Hanhee to the bath!!", he stated. "But my brothers are more faster than Dad and Daddy!", he giggled.

"Yeah, Dad and Daddy are super slow", Yeonjun giggled too and kissed Heejin's lips. "Hello to you, beautiful".

"Hi", she smiled.

"When are hyungs arriving?" Kai was breathless, holding onto a very naked Minho, who squirmed to get off his Daddy's hold as to not get a bath.

"Baba and Papa have a date today", Dongkyu reminded them.

"You need help with those little devils?", Yeonjun set their oldest son on the floor.

"I would love you even more than I do now", Kai smiled.

Yeonjun held on a smile.

"You can show it to me at night, how about that?", he wiggled his eyebrows. "It's bath time!"

Heejin smiled and rolled her eyes, cleaning Song's cheeks.


"Yes, baby?", she walked with the empty plate to the kitchen, the small 6-year-old following behind.

"What will Daddy show Appa at night?", he furrowed his eyebrows. "Can I see?"

"I don't think so, little one", Heejin held in a chuckle. "I think it's a gift meant only for Appa".

"I want a gift too!"

"How about... tickles!!"

"Mommy, no! Don't touch me!", he ran away.

And to think this all started with a simple touch.

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