4. She is something

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Derek POV

"Do you think your cousin may be like us?" I asked Stiles, who irritatingly was eating some chips.

" What do you mean like us?" He spoke with his mouth full.

He always gets on my nerves.

" Derek means with supernatural abilities. " Deaton added.

" Oh, she may be, we don't know it." Scott was looking at Stiles , we all three were expecting an answer from him.

" I don't know, I don't think so. She looks pretty normal to me."

Stiles responded shrugging.

" You don't know, you can't be sure. She may be something. " I added furious.

" Or she may be Derek's mate. " Deaton had a stupid smile on his face.

" What do you mean? " Scott asked and I avoided looking at them.

" I mean, she may be his mate. There was a special bond between them earlier. She is the one who helped him recover by taking away his pain. It exists the mate bond as well. " Deaton explained.

" Cool! I want a mate too. Scott bite me. " Stiles cheered enthusiastically.

" That's stupid. Mates don't exist. " I spat with anger.

"We can always find out if she is different. Stiles you're the master of the plans.". Scott had a really good idea.

" Alright don't bite me, I'll think of something. But just to be clear, she is my cousin and if she is something, we will protect her. " Stiles spoke with confidence. He rarely was serious. That guy was just full of irony.


Lucy POV

During break Scott and Stiles were behaving strangely. They sat in front of me and were eyeing me from head to toe, or better observing me.

" What is wrong? Why are you guys looking at me like that? " The moment I asked they both averted their eyes .

" Guys? " I asked again. After seeing I had no response from them I decided to leave or made them think I was leaving.

" Ok then, if you want to stay here and behave weirdly, I'm leaving. " I got up and finally Stiles spoke.

" Wait, wait! Sorry we were just trying to figure out something." Stiles looked nervous. Scott as well.

"What is that something?"

"Something." Stiles moved his hands like he was telling some poem.

"Stiles, If this something is about me then ask do not stare."

" Have you... Do you ever ...? " Scott whispered looking around like someone may listen to us , trying to find his words .

"He wanted to ask if you told anyone about Derek." Stiles intervened , they exchanged looks.

" No I haven't told anyone. That is what you were trying to figure out by staring at me? Do you guys study body language or read thoughts to find it out by looking at me? Just ask, why is that important? "

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