9. Werewolf

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Lucy POV

"But you are human Stiles, stop playing the hero." Theo mocked him.

"Stiles? Let me go. Is he ok?!"

He said Stiles was human, oh my god did he resist that fall?

" But a banshee can play the hero right? " Lydia smirked. Banshee , that was the term Derek used.

Lydia started screaming loud, everyone fell on their knees covering their ears. It was a long piercing voice. To me it sounded just an annoying loud scream, but disturbing as well. It looked like to them had a different effect. I took advantage from this moment and ruined the circle , I pushed aside the ash and tried to get away from Theo but I collided with a strong wall. Do walls have hands? Because I felt them around my waist. I turned my head it was him, Derek. The scream of Lydia just ended.

His eyes were blue ,and he had canines instead of his teeths. Derek pushed me behind his back and threw himself towards Theo. He grabbed him by his throat and threw him away letting out a growl.

I just stood there frozen.

"Well there is just one , Derek can handle it , there is no need for me to be here." Another men came in. I had never seen him before. Then he walked out the door.

" Derek wait, don't kill him." Scott and Malia tried to separate Derek from Theo who was loosing towards Derek.

Derek let out a loud growl. Then Scott whispered something various times to him until Derek turned his head to me.


Derek POV

I was beating him out of my control. Just the thought of him touching Lucy , hurting her. Me and Peter stayed outside listening first if there was a need to intervene. After we listened that he had himself and Lucy inside a circle of mountain ash, Stiles, Malia and Lydia came in first. The signal was Lydia's scream, we would come in with our ears covered . When she made that comment about her clothes being wet sticking to her body, and Theo grabbing her I lost it , I almost ruined the plan if it wasn't for Peter.

Scott was whisper yelling me but I wasn't focused.

"Derek you're scaring her. Derek you're scaring Lucy. Derek you're scaring your mate damn it."

My mate. I took a breath and turned my head to look at Lucy. Her eyes were widened as she stared at me , her heart was beating fast. Was she scared of me?

I was about to walk towards her when Peter came in running. " Hunters, hide, hunters are coming!"

We all were alarmed. We looked at each other only she was staring at me, not moving her eyes. I didn't know what she was thinking.

"Hide, everybody hide! Me and Lydia will distract them! " Stiles motioned for us to hide .

Everyone climbed the stairs found some place to hide and observe. Lucy wasn't moving from her place, she was frozen.

" Lucy we have to hide. " I took her hand and then she flinched. She took various breaths. I pulled her with me climbing the stairs. I found a corner where we could see what happens and sat on my knees. Lucy did the same , she kneeled with her back on me. I had her so close , i could smell her scent, I could hear her heartbeat . I just wanted to hug her but I couldn't .

DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now