Chapter 5: Strange Findings

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(Sora POV)

Lloyd was acting strange after he had been attacked by Heatwave. And then he stormed out of the room when Wildfire yelled. Arin said that he must of felt guilty and that's why he rushed out, because he felt bad. But I think there's another reason. The dragon's were fine around him for weeks, then, all of a sudden, they started attacking him. The situation smells fishy. And I'm determined to get to the bottom of it.

I walked around the corridor and found myself staring at Lloyd's room, which is exactly what I wanted. If the ninja weren't going to give me answers, then I'd have to find out on my own. I knocked on Lloyd's door to make sure that he wasn't in there. When I received no reply, I opened the door and went in. I saw that it was very green inside. I mean, what can you expect? He's the green ninja. I started going through boxes of his stuff to see if I could find any clue as to why he was attacked.

As I was looking around, I saw a picture. I saw what looked to be a young Lloyd and an old man standing next to each other. I went over to it and picked it up. I saw that the glass in front of the picture had a crack in it. Did Lloyd get angry? Or did someone else break it? As I walked away from the picture, I wondered who that old man was. Maybe he was his father? It's just a guess for right now, until I can find out more.

I continued to look around his room, when I stumbled upon a scroll. I opened it and it looked like it was a prophecy. I couldn't read all of it, but I believe it said something along the lines of one ninja would rise above the others, and defeat the dark lord. What dark lord? As I looked at the picture, I saw a ninja that looked above the others. And it was.....Lloyd? Lloyd was supposed to defeat a dark lord? Had this already happened, or had it yet to happen? I had so many questions.

More than I had than when I entered. I couldn't go asking the ninja though, because then they would know that I was snooping through Lloyd's stuff, and I couldn't have that happen. I put the scroll down and continued my search. About 30 minutes later I found two strange symbols. They read oni, and dragon. I wonder what that meant. Before I had anymore time to think about it, I heard voices down the corridor. And it sounded like Lloyd's.

I quickly left the room and shut the door behind me as quietly as possible, and then I sneaked off to go tell the others of my strange findings.


I know it's short, but I ran out of things for Sora to find. If you have any suggestions of what Sora should find next, please tell me in the comments below. And I know that Sora might not really do that, but she's gonna for the sake of the story. Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 527

P.S. I have a Q&A out, so if you would like to ask the ninjago characters any questions, you can. I have a Ninjago Movie Evil Lloyd story out as well. Please check them out.

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