Chapter 20: The Battle of The Bounty Part 10: Lloyd & The Battle

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(Found on Pinterest from Janyal. Btw, * will be oni and / will be dragon and ' will be Lloyd.)

(Lloyd's POV)

I crouched down beside Sora and my father. I saw movement behind the trees and I got ready for another fight, when Beatrix, LaRow, Rapton, and....Arin?! I was frozen. I couldn't move. Suddenly, I was back on the Crystal King's Fortress, watching my father "die" in my arms. I was brought back to the present by Wildfire growling at Rapton. He laughed at that.

"Oh don't worry. We won't hurt your friend here. But only if you surrender yourselves and the dragons!" he yelled. I clenched my fists. He's taken away all our options. Well, all but one. Letting Arin die. Which I was NOT going to let happen. I saw Arin look at me as he yelled, "Don't do it guys!!"

"Quiet you!" Rapton shouted at him as he put his hand over Arin's mouth. I could feel my oni side trying to take over. *Let me take control Lloyd. I can free him.* /No! Don't listen to him Lloyd!/ My oni and dragon sides were fighting again. "Let. Him. Go." I said through clenched teeth. *Yes! Use that anger!*

"We will not be surrendering." I heard my father say. "Well then, say goodbye to your friend." Rapton said as he stabbed Arin through the chest. 'NO!' I ran forward to Arin to catch him as he fell. I held him in my arms, trying to stop the bleeding. I felt tears stream down my face. 

"Arin, you got to stay awake, okay?" I said to him through my tears. /We're going to get through this and he's going to be okay./ I felt a little bit of hope built up inside of me. But that hope was extinguished when Arin closed his eyes. I froze. 

"Arin? Arin?! No! NO! You have to wake up Arin!! PLEASE!!" I begged through my sobs. He was dead. My student, whom I considered a son, was DEAD. All because of Rapton. I felt my rage begin to rise. My breath becoming quicker. I didn't care if I used my oni side. Arin was gone. And someone needed to PAY THE PRICE!! I JUST DON'T CARE!!!!

I WILL KILL HIM!!!!!!!! I screamed as I felt myself turn into and oni. I didn't care if the others could see me. Rapton, WOULD pay!

(3rd Person POV)

"Wh-What happened to Lloyd?!" Sora yelled. "He's unleashed his oni form." Garmadon said with a smile. His theory had been correct. They watched as Lloyd ran toward the Imperians using his oni powers to knock them to the ground. 

"My empress, we must leave now!" Dr. LaRow yelled. "No! Not without the dragon's power!" the Empress yelled. "Get me to the dragons!" Rapton ran toward where the dragons were with the Empress. "What?! They were just here!" he yelled.

"RAPTON!!" they heard someone yell. Back on the other side of the bounty, Zane was climbing down from the bounty and ran over to Arin. "He's alive!" he yelled to the others. "But he will die soon if we don't get him medical attention soon!" Nya ran over to help Zane carry Arin back inside the bounty.

"Okay! What just happened?!" Wildfire yelled. "Yeah! And what happened to Lloyd, Kai?!" Kai sighed. He looked at Garmadon and said, "Why don't YOU explain." "Very well." he answered "Lloyd is my son, therefore making him part oni." "Part oni?" Euphrasia asked questioningly

"Wait a minute! Didn't you try to kill him? Your own son? You're a terrible father!" Sora yelled at him. "You dare talk shit about me?! In my fucking presence?!" he yelled at her. "Yes. I do." Sora said calmly. "How about we all calm down?" Euphrasia asked.

"Euphrasia's right. Our first step is to calm Lloyd down before he can seriously hurt anyone." Kai told everyone "Our goal is just to stop the Claws of Imperium. Not kill them." "Wait, did you say....Imperium?" Garmadon asked, looking alarmed.

"Yeah, I did. Why?" Kai asked slowly. "You remember Lloyd's ancestry right? Did you not think about what would happen if Imperium found out about the other side of his heritage?!" "Oh shit. Lloyd!!" Kai yelled as he ran to where Lloyd was.

Garmadon looked at the kids and said, "Stay here. Your friend will need you when he wakes up. I also doubt Lloyd would want to accidently hurt one of you." He then ran off. Only after he had left had Sora realized that he said "when" and not "if".

Garmadon arrived to see Kai trying to restrain Lloyd. "Lloyd, buddy, you've got to snap our of it waaaa!" he yelled as Lloyd flung him away into a nearby tree. Lloyd used his powers to knock Rapton down to the floor and the oni started to laugh hysterically.

Then suddenly, a yellow beam was launched at him and he felt hot scorching pain. It was like the very life inside of him was being drained out of him. Then he saw black. Garmadon and Kai watched in horror as the staff that the Empress was holding drained Lloyd's dragon power. 

"Th-That should be impossible! Unless....he's part dragon!!" LaRow yelled in awe. "NO!" Garmadon yelled as he launched an orb of darkness at them. Beatrix was knocked back and seeing that they were cornered and outpowered, yelled, "Get us out of here Rapton!" Their airships or whatever you call them hovered towards them and they hopped on and retreated back to where they came from.

Kai ran toward Lloyd to pick him up. "Quickly, we must get him medical attention." Garmadon said.

Word Count: 926

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