5 - Ice Prince

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The campus was almost empty after exam season. Y/N strolled along through the place, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridors, memories flooding her mind. She remembered the late-night study sessions, the laughter in the cafeteria, and the moments when the hallways were bustling with students. 

Her book club meeting finished a few minutes earlier and she wanted to take one last walk, closing this semester that seemed to stress her out more than any other one. She passed by the swimming pool, staring at the water before she made her way near the ice skating rink. But then she stopped, slowly glancing inside the place only to find someone skating.

She carefully opened the door and walked inside, staring at the guy who was oblivious to her presence. He was gracefully twirling and spinning, his movements fluid and mesmerizing. His hair was black and he was dressed in white as if he belonged to the ice itself. She could write about him, about how he seemed to glide effortlessly across the ice, like a dancer in perfect harmony with the frozen surface. His every move commanded attention, capturing Y/N's imagination and sparking a desire within her to put everything on paper.

But when he suddenly fell, her eyes widened and she let out a gasp before she let go of her bag and ran to him. She didn't care about the fact that she wasn't wearing skates, all that mattered was helping him. When she reached him, she knelt beside him, concern etched on her face. "Are you alright?" 

The skater looked up at her, his brown eyes momentarily reflecting surprise before a smile formed on his lips. "I'm fine, thank you," He replied, his voice calm and composed despite the fall. But when he tried to stand up, he winced and placed a hand on his ankle, making her heart sink at the sight. "I guess I'm not fine after all."

"I think you sprained your ankle," She muttered, looking around. "Wait here, let me get some ice for your ankle. It might help with the swelling." He just watched as she stood up and ran to the other side of the place, almost falling over her own feet. She hurriedly retrieved a bag of ice from the cooler and rushed back to his side. Gently, she placed the ice pack on his ankle, careful not to cause any further discomfort.

"Thank you," He smiled, gratitude shining in his eyes. "I didn't expect to meet someone so caring and kind today."

"It's the least I can do. You're very good at skating," She shrugged. "Are you okay now?"

He nodded, brushing off the ice particles from his clothes. "I'm more embarrassed than anything. I guess even the best skaters can have their off moments."

"That just shows how human we all are." She smiled. Realizing she hadn't introduced herself yet, she extended her hand. "I'm Y/N. I couldn't resist coming in when I saw you skating. It was beautiful."

He shook her hand warmly. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Sunghoon. And I have to admit, it's not often I have an audience while practicing."

"Practice? You make it seem like you're already a professional," Y/N remarked, curiosity shining in her eyes. 

Sunghoon chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well, I've been skating for years, and it's become my passion. I hope to compete someday."

"It seems you enjoy skating a lot." At her words, the way he tensed didn't go unnoticed by her. Maybe enjoy wasn't the right word.

Sunghoon's smile faded slightly as he gazed out onto the empty ice rink. "I used to enjoy it. I used to be so good at dancing, yet now, I feel like others are better than me at the only thing I'm good at." He was silent for a moment, looking at his foot with a bittersweet smile.

"Comparison is a trap. Your passion for ice skating hasn't faded and that's all that matters." She knew what it meant to see others be better at the only thing you're good at. She knew it so well it hurt.

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