13 - I Don't Hate You

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The two siblings ran through the hospital hallways, looking for the room Areum was in. When they finally reached the room, they pushed the door open and found Areum sitting on the hospital bed, her ankle propped up on a pillow. Sunghoon and Jake were there as well, concern etched on their faces

Areum looked up when Y/N and Seojin entered, managing a weak smile despite the pain in her ankle. "You didn't have to come rushing like this."

Panting, Y/N managed a relieved smile. "Of course we did. When you sounded so distressed on the phone, I got really worried. What happened?"

"My heels broke and I twisted my ankle when I fell," Areum explained with a sheepish grin. "I guess I should've gone for more comfortable shoes."

"Shit, we forgot our shoes on the beach." Y/N turned to Seojin with wide eyes and he looked down at their bare feet before letting out a mock gasp. "I left my heels there. They were expensive."

"Are you serious? I almost broke my ankle." Areum playfully rolled her eyes and Y/N hit her arm. "Ouch! I'm a patient!"

"You should have been more careful! Do you know how worried I was?" Seojin held Y/N's shoulders, making her narrow her eyes at him. She looked over at Sunghoon who gave her an apologetic smile and Jake who just looked away. 

"First of all, why are the two of you together? The last time I checked you didn't want him here." Seojin shifted uncomfortably at her words but Y/N shrugged, a smile playing on her lips. 

"That's what siblings do, right? Start wars and end up allies?" She gave Seojin a light shive and he ruffled her hair, making her swat his hand away with an exaggerated huff.

"I should've known better than to expect you to actually hate me." 

Areum raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. You could never see the two of them this friendly, especially given their history. But seeing them comfortable with each other made her realize that a deep conversation had likely taken place. "I'd love to hear the full story sometime."

Seojin smiled. "Maybe when you're not stuck in a hospital bed. I didn't introduce myself properly. Hello, I'm Seojin, Y/N's brother."

Sunghoon and Jake shook his hand with pleasant smiles, their initial surprise fading into genuine friendliness. They introduced themselves while Y/N watched Areum gaze lovingly at Sunghoon. She realized that Areum liked him the moment they had met, but it seemed like their bond was growing stronger as the night went on. 

Y/N was happy for her even though she met Sunghoon first because she didn't see him as a potential romantic interest anyways. She was content with their friendship and was genuinely excited for Areum if she had found someone who made her happy.

Jake on the other side excused himself and stepped out of the room, making her heart drop. She knew he didn't want to be in the same place with her but he didn't have to make it so obvious. It wasn't her fault Heran lied to him. Y/N only told him the truth and he had to handle his emotions maturely.

"You okay?" Areum could feel something was wrong and she whispered to Y/N, making her shake her head and give her a faint smile. "Okay...? Anyways, they said I can go back home in the morning, so that's good news."

"I'm glad it's not that bad." Y/N sighed. "Seojin, you can go back to the guest house with Sunghoon. I will stay here with Areum."

"Are you sure? I can stay with her if you need some rest." Sunghoon offered and Y/N had to hide her smile. 

"No, I'll stay. I want to make sure Areum is okay." Sunghoon nodded understandingly before he walked out with Seojin who told Y/N to call him if anything was needed. "Damn, Areum, can't you stay out of trouble for once?"

"It's not like I plan these things. Trouble just seems to find me." She rolled her eyes and let out a groan. "Fuck, my foot is killing me. I'm convincing myself that it's just a little sore and I'll survive though."

"Let me call a nurse and try to find a pair of sandals to wear. If not, my feet are going to protest from all the walking around in these cold hospital floors." She stepped out of the room, looking for someone to help. But in the hallway, Jake was standing with a bag in his hands, his eyes fixed on her figure. 

"I brought you some things." Y/N watched as he walked to her, holding her hand and making her sit down on a nearby bench. He crouched down in front of her, opening the bag and grabbing out a pair of slippers that he helped her slide onto her feet. Their warmth and comfort were an immediate relief from the cold hospital floors. She also watched him take out a small blanket that he put on her thighs, making her feel even cozier.

"Why are you being nice to me? I thought you hate me." She looked away, swallowing a lump.

"Just because I'm kind to you doesn't mean I like you. But I don't hate you, you just rub me the wrong way." He stood up, his dirty blonde locks falling slightly over his forehead as he sighed. "And unless I hear from Heran that she lied to me, I'd like to think that she would never do that."

"I don't need you to believe me. I don't care." She said when he was about to leave and he stopped, turning slightly to glance at her over his shoulder.

"Good. Because I'm not planning to. And this is not me suddenly becoming your friend, I just thought you might appreciate some basic human decency in this less-than-pleasant situation." Y/N watched as he walked away, his figure slowly disappearing down the corridor. She let out a sigh, looking down at the slippers on her feet and the blanket on her lap.

It was fine, she didn't need him to believe her or to be her friend. She had been through enough to know that she could stand on her own. But as she gazed at the items Jake had left for her, she could feel her heart soften. She sighed and stood up to go call a nurse for Areum. Once she found someone to attend to Areum's needs, she went back to the room, still thinking about Jake.

She couldn't shake off how he infuriated her and acted as if he was heartless, but she knew very well that people were rarely so one-dimensional.

"What's up with you and Jake?" Areum's question snapped her out of her trance and she realized that the nurse was long gone. "You guys are really complicated."

"Complicated is an understatement." Y/N chuckled softly, realizing that she had been lost in her thoughts for a while. "Leave me alone, I want to sleep."

"I can't believe you." Areum scoffed while Y/N made a little bed for herself on the nearby couch. Then she threw a pillow at her friend.

"Believe what? That I need some rest? It's been a long day," She said with a yawn, stretching her arms above her head.

"Not that. I can't believe you're just going to brush off the fact that Jake is obviously interested in you." Y/N groaned, burying her face in the pillow while trying to ignore Areum who seemed to be amused by the whole thing. "I'm just saying Y/N, there's more to this situation than you're giving it credit for."

"Yeah, whatever." It's not like she wanted him to like her or anything. Yeah, not at all.

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