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Author's note: please don't skip over this cus istg some of y'all do (I'm guilty) 😭. So I wanted to do a PT 2 of mirrors but from the girls perspective, so if it seems kinda familiar that's why.

I had to absolutely be perfect

No exceptions.

Not a hair out of place, not a crease visible, my skin had to be flawless; I had to look perfect. I didn't just have to look perfect I had to act perfect. Not a manner out of place, I always had to walk on egg shells. I had to contain the monster - it was my responsibility. This was the only way to keep her tame.

Mirrors, oh how I hated mirrors. I believe mirrors to be my first putrid, disgusting obsession. It made me stare at myself. It made me see my imperfections, it reminded me that I was human. I wasn't what the monster wanted me so desperately to be.

The monster raised me. The monster taught me only what she thought I should be taught. She set down rules, impossible rules, that I had to follow day in and day out.

All of my free time would be spent in those mirrors. I would make sure I looked perfect, that I looked as though I wasn't cracking under the pressure. I couldn't break. I had to be perfect. I had to keep my porcelain mask that made the monster manageable.

I never had control over my life. I was always told what to do, where to be. I was given a new mission from my ever so loved monster.

The boy was of a well respected family, around my age and most importantly wealthy. Everything about him attracted the monster and so I was told to marry him.

Now the mirror no longer became so important. Not when the monster had set her heart on such a "distinguished" boy. All of my priorities drop when the monster wants something. And so I complied.

It was only on that fateful night when he came into my room, into my sanctuary, and stole what was very dear to the monster, that I knew I was freed.

The monster's aspirations for me dropped. I was rendered useless in her eyes. I could now finally live my life.

However, how good was a puppet without a marionette. Naturally I went back to him. The man who gave me my freedom. Did I care why he did it? No.

He was a beautiful brown haired boy who went to school with me. I often noticed him trying to get my attention but the monster's needs came first. I only lived for the monster until he set me free.

Now I only live for him.

I could recognise his footsteps anywhere. When being perfect you must know these things. It was as though I was in a game of chess, always two steps ahead, so when I approached him it was a mystery why he took a liking to me so quickly.

I can feel his rapid heartbeat while he lies next to me, I can feel his smile on my neck.

Although my site had been taken, I had been freed from that monster. Now I have found someone to control me, to love me, to care for me.

And he's never going to leave me.

Random Rambling -yandere One shots Where stories live. Discover now