Chapter 11

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Jimin's POV

The more time I spend with Hoseok and Yoongi, the more natural becomes our daily routine. Be it at home or at the office. Our relationship came to the point where I consider my billionaire clients my friends. It's a beautiful feeling. I don't remember the last time I got this close to a client to call him my friend. 

Yoongi is still more closed off, but Hoseok makes up for him. It's wonderful to see how those two complement each other. They make me believe that true love exists and my romantic omega is a sucker for any ounce of hope. 

If one day I'll be lucky enough to experience something similar to what they have, I'll be the happiest. Even though for some reason my wolf wants to stubbornly believe I have a chance with those two deadly gorgeous and more importantly taken alphas. I don't know why my omega developed this silly crush on Hoseok and Yoongi but it puts me in some awkward situations with the couple.

Thankfully, I am mature enough not to let myself live in delusions. I don't take our ordeal for more than it is: just my regular job. Even though this one comes with lots of benefits.

Talking about the job... I finish printing the financial report for last quarter as Yoongi requested and take the papers to put them in a folder. I really like my PA position. Yes, it comes with plenty of responsibilities and multitasking activities, yet I enjoy doing my daily tasks and making Yoongi's life a bit easier. 

That alpha certainly has a soft spot for me even if he tries to hide it. I see the way he fights a smile when I enter his office and notice how his pheromones are intensified when I'm around him. As if his alpha is trying to impress me. His strong dark coffee scent already became one that brings me nothing but comfort and a feeling of safety. 

These alphas didn't lie when said that I'd be treated like their omega deserves it. They do a wonderful job not just pretending to the outer world, but treating me with gentleness and care even when we're alone. Maybe I've been deprived of normal interactions with alphas because Hobi and Yoongi treating me like a normal human shouldn't be making me this happy.

I clutch two thick folders to my chest as I exit my office and head to Yoongi's. Mine is situated right next to his to be able to rush to him whenever he needs me. I was about to knock on the wooden door when remembered that Yoongi and Hoseok were supposed to have a meeting with one of their major investors at 4 pm. 

I sigh and go to the coffee kitchen. Nestled conveniently in a corner of the office floor, this vibrant space serves as a sanctuary for caffeine enthusiasts like me. My personal heaven. I make my favorite dalgona coffee and wait for the meeting to finish. There is no one in the kitchen at this time not surprisingly. Just in one hour, they all will be heading home unlike me. I usually stay longer until Yoongi isn't finished.

I turn my back to the door and open one of the folders. My eyes roam over the numbers with more zeroes than I can physically count. Damn, the amount of money that circulates in this business is insane. I'm pretty sure Yoongi's family's personal wealth isn't scarce as well. For him, these billions are probably child's play. 

I get lost scanning the pages and don't hear as the door creaks open and someone enters. I hum the melody I've heard in Yoongi's car this morning and slightly sway from one side to another. Only when the faintly familiar scent of raw Cardamom reaches me, something snaps inside me and I twirl around as the awful memories surface one after another. 

My heartbeat quickens, pounding in my chest like a relentless drum, while a knot of unease tightened in the pit of my stomach. The world around me seems to blur, and the present moment fades into insignificance, overshadowed by the weight of the past when my eyes meet his

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