Chapter 50

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Gemma reached out almost immediately, and Selene and I started going to therapy the same day at different hours. Sometimes Harlan would drive us, and sometimes Damien did. But we had to be accompanied all the time, it seemed things with the rebels were getting more tense than before.

After a few weeks of working with Dr. Fraiser, I could feel improvements in my behavior and my ability to eat regular foods. I, of course, was a firm believer in therapy and was very confident it would work, but Selene was a bit apprehensive. She had a strange idea of therapy and was pleasantly surprised to see it was not at all what she thought it was.

The eclipse was days away and my anxiety about that was also addressed with the doctor, but right now there were more important things to deal with.

Dr. Fraiser was a kind man, on the older side, and did not mind debating with me the best treatment for myself. After all, it is true that doctors are the worst patients.

"Do you want me to put you under hypnosis?" he'd asked last time.


"Maybe that way you could remember more about your assailant and describe it to your friend, the one your boyfriend mentioned excels at drawing," he said with his gentle voice.

I simply shook my head and said "Harlan is not my boyfriend" There had been no more advance in that department and we were back to being friends. But there was always that moment, the time we almost kissed. "And why do I need to remember his face?"

"Maybe not his, but your patient's, it could be useful information for the pack" he proposed, and he was right, I had not thought about it that way. He was an old warlock with a lot of experience with the supernatural and an actual doctor. I had a lot of love for Callum and his healing magic worked wonders, but it was good to be receiving treatment from someone that had a more formal education.

I nodded "Then we should give it a try," I agreed.

I closed my eyes and laid back, being very aware of how this went.

"Listen to my voice" he started saying "Take a deep breath in and out," I did so and waited, every therapist had a different way of hypnotizing people, I used the stairs method.

"I can feel you overthinking," he said softly "Avoid that, just focus on my voice." It was harder said than done, especially when I tended to rationalize everything when I was uncomfortable or scared.

He kept talking and I could feel myself relaxing, I was half-convinced he used magic to lower my heartbeat but eventually I was back in my memories. It was like looking into a picture, everything was frozen.

"Focus on your office, what do you see?"

"My eyes are blurry, I was probably drugged" I realized I was saying what I was thinking. 

"What do you see behind the man?" he said.

"A window, a very bright window, but the light is almost white like it was a cloudy day and the warmth of the sun disappeared, " I said, trying very hard to see things around me "I see the blinds half pulled up, there is a fair amount of dust in them like no one cleaned them in a while."

"What is to the right of the silhouette of your patient?"

"There is an old bookcase by the window, filled with my medical books, and next to it, there is a tall lamp that is also gathering dust."

"What is to the left of your patient?"

"Right next to the sofa he's sitting on there is a little glass table with a bottle of water and tissues."

"Where is your desk?"

"On my right and his left, it is a meter away. It has no pictures, just a computer and a mess of files" 

"Where is the door?"

"Behind me" I answer remembering the wooden door with a silver handle.

"Remember where the door is always, in case you need to leave, he will not be able to follow you," he said emphatically.

"He will not be able to follow me," I repeated absentmindedly.

"Start by describing his shoes and go up, describe what he's wearing," he said calmly.

"He's wearing black dress shoes, perfectly polished, he is wearing black socks," I said.

"Continue," he said.

"His pants are black with vertical stripes of a slightly lighter color," I said moving my eyes up "He is wearing a leather belt that looks expensive, tucked into the belt is a simple white dress shirt with no tie, the suit jacket is made of the same fabric as the pants."

"Is he wearing jewelry?"

I focus harder on his hands "He's wearing a silver Rolex, I am pretty sure it is authentic."

"What is the build of his body, is he tall?"

"He is very tall, very muscular."

"What about his eyes, what color are they?"

"They are mesmerizing," I focus on the upper half of his face "The hazel of his eyes seems very familiar."

 "What about his facial features?"

I started focusing on one by one "Pink full lips, sharp jaw, and cheeks, strong eyebrows, defined nose."

"I want you to remember his face very well--" I suddenly could not hear his voice anymore.

I could see the man clearly in front of me now, nothing was blurry anymore. 

But all of a sudden the blinds started slightly banging against the window, the water inside the bottle started shaking and everything unfroze.

"Hello little girl," the man said with a predatory smile. "Looking for me?"

Panic struck me immediately, but my instincts reacted first and I bolted towards the door because once I exited this room, he couldn't follow me.

"Ah ah ah" I felt a hand grab the back of my neck "Where do you think you are going?" he said.

"Who are you?" I asked, shaking.

"You know who I am," he mused.

I needed to get out of here fast, I needed to leave this room. So I remembered my training with Blaze and took a deep breath. First, I threw myself forward and then back with so much force I managed to free myself. Then, I stepped on his foot so hard he winced.

And I ran, I had never run so fast in my life. I practically threw open the door and closed it in his face.

Finally, I was out.

I jolted awake to see a very worried Dr. Fraiser.

"What was that?" I asked. That was not normal hypnosis. And I could attack him, like physically attack him... what was going on?

He looked at me with a grim expression as he said "Magic." He sighed "It was magic."

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